The robot has a heartbeat, a pulse, and breathing. Even its body temperature and skin are exactly the same as those of a normal person. As long as it is replaced with a face that is exactly the same as Wan Ge's, and then implanted with her memory, there will be no problem at all.

As early as the first day Wan Ge came to him, Ji Feng had already extracted her memory.

Ji Feng has written a program for the robot, and she will become a real Miss Xue in the future. Moreover, he can control it remotely. If there is any accident, Ji Feng will detect it in advance. In short, no one will disturb him and Wan Ge again.

The robot "Wan Ge" woke up in the hospital, and the Xue family couple hurriedly asked her what happened.

After their daughter answered fluently, the Xue family couple also understood the so-called "truth."

Duan Yinan, who was listening on the side, was a little confused. It turned out that Ji Feng had already done everything and made up the story himself. As a result, Miss Xue answered it herself, which saved a lot of trouble.

Anyway, in Miss Xue's answer, this matter was not much related to the Duan family, so it was good.

The two families resumed their normal alliance of interests. The Xue couple returned to their original polite attitude towards Duan Yinan and apologized to Duan Yinan.

Duan Yinan, who knew the real truth, could not blame the two at all, so he smiled and answered that it was okay.

In the following month, they still cooperated normally, and "Wange" did not look strange in everyone's eyes. It seemed that Ji Feng really deceived everyone.

Duan Yinan really had no doubts at first, but when his brother did not appear in front of him for a month, he called him and he just said a few perfunctory words and passed it by.

And Ji Feng, who cared so much about Miss Xue, did not hear about his pursuit afterwards. Could it be that his brother was still sad? Should he go to comfort him?

After thinking of this, Xue Wan Ge, who was on his way home from get off work, asked the driver to turn around and change the route to Ji Feng's house.

Unable to get in, Duan Yinan could only ring the doorbell. Then the doors opened one by one.

When Duan Yinan walked into the living room, he saw a young man sitting on the sofa, holding a beautiful girl. The face of the other person was obviously Wan Ge! The real Miss Xue.

Ji Feng rubbed his nose on Wan Ge's neck, and said softly in a low and gentle voice: "Baby, brother is here, call brother."

"Brother." The girl in front of Ji Feng listened obediently again.

"Ji Feng! Why is she still here? Who is the one sent back to Xue's house?" Duan Yinan felt that he had high blood pressure and was about to faint in the next second.

"Don't you want a Miss Xue? I'll give it to you." Didn't they all accept that Miss Xue would go home? Since everything has been resolved, what else can the brother say?

Duan Yinan thought Ji Feng really thought it through. He was still saying that his brother actually compromised this time and hid so quickly. He didn't expect that he was waiting here.

Finally, Duan Yinan's eyes fell on the butler standing upright on the side. This robot is no different from a normal person, whether in tone or ecology. Everything is really terrible.

Even though the simulation robots of this era are already perfect, Duan Yinan was still surprised when he saw the other person for the first time. Duan Yinan, who had an epiphany, immediately said, "The one you sent back to the Xue family was a robot, right?"

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