If there is no way to cancel it within an hour, the device will explode in an hour, not only the entire laboratory, but also the entire Duan family.

The destruction device can only be canceled by Ji Feng, otherwise no one else can do anything.

Although Ji Feng thought about how his destruction device could be triggered suddenly, he felt that Duan Yinan would not joke with Duan family, so he finally went to the company.

After tampering with the system and canceling the destruction device, Ji Feng suddenly found something strange.

Feeling uneasy, he immediately returned home. Sure enough, he saw Duan Yinan sitting in his house. At the same time, there was Wan Ge who was unconscious beside him.

He wanted to go over immediately, but Duan Yinan said directly: "Don't move!"

At the same time, he raised the remote control in his hand.

"What did you do! What do you want to do?" Ji Feng asked angrily. He was really just trying to plot against him, and he was willing to gamble with the entire Duan family.

Ji Feng didn't notice that when he went to the company, there were only robots in the company, and the company's secrets had already been taken away. All the secrets that could not be taken away were destroyed, except for Ji Feng's laboratory.

"I just want you to restore her to normal and tamper with her recent memory." Duan Yinan originally didn't want to hand her over to Ji Feng, but there was no way. Only he could prepare the antidote, and only he could tamper with other people's memories.

Moreover, only Ji Feng could know what happened to his robot that imitated Wan Ge recently.

"Didn't I give you a Miss Xue? Why do you still do this? Why!" Ji Feng was still very angry, trying to calm himself down but couldn't calm down at all.

"In order to let you know what is right and what is wrong, you can't treat a living person like this. She is not a robot. This is wrong!" Everyone thinks that people like them who have reached the peak of their lives no longer care about the life and death of others, and have no humanity.

But the Duan family has always known that only with a bottom line can human beings continue to continue civilization. Both he and his father know it.

Never do immoral things for the sake of profit just because you can erase some traces. This bottom line is what he and his father have always abided by.

Ji Feng had received the same teachings as him, but it is estimated that Ji Feng, who had been in the laboratory all the time, did not listen at all.

Duan Yinan spoke again: "Now you can be allowed to contact her, help her get rid of her current state, and tamper with her memory. But don't play tricks, otherwise I will immediately detonate the explosive device on her body. Anyway, you also sent a robot back, so I don't care."

Duan Yinan cares, but he knows that only if he says so, Ji Feng will really not play tricks. He bet right. From the moment Ji Feng really stopped, he was 100% sure that Ji Feng cared a lot, especially Wan Ge.

"Okay, I promise you."

While scanning, Ji Feng's eyes fell on the diamond earrings on Wan Ge's ears. The exquisite and beautiful snowflake-shaped earrings, but it was the explosive device, a small one, but it was enough to make her bloody.

When Ji Feng wanted to touch it, Duan Yinan, who was watching from the side, reminded him not to move.

Even though there was a lock on the earring and Ji Feng couldn't take it off, he still kept it in case of emergency.

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