Shen Yanchen thought of every time he was emotional, the other party would take advantage of his confusion to ask him if he loved her.

But he was too shy to express it, even in that state, he could only say "um". He must really want to hear his answer that he loved her.

When Wan Ge was looking at the document very seriously, she was suddenly hugged by a pair of hands.

She subconsciously looked up and met the other party's deep eyes, and the other party also looked very serious. But the next second she blushed again, her bright red lips pursed tightly, and it can be seen from her handsome face that she was really shy. Before she could react, she heard the other party's low voice in her ears: "I... love you so much..."

The voice was very light but very firm, and the other party's ears were red after he finished speaking.

Wan Ge obviously heard it clearly, but she still teased the person in front of her deliberately: "What?"

A person like Shen Yanchen would never say it again: "I know you heard it."

Wan Ge smiled, then put her arms around his neck, and then kissed him on the cheek: "I love you too."

"I know." Shen Yanchen should have known what he knew a long time ago, so he unscrupulously enjoyed her kindness to him, and enjoyed her tenderness and love for him.

The two of them quickly handled the matter. On the way home, Wan Ge also sent a message to her family, in addition to her parents, she also sent a message to Mr. Shen.

Mr. Shen did not tell Mr. Shen about this matter, because he knew that if his father knew about this, he would definitely think that Wan Ge was too willful and not suitable to be their son/grandson's wife.

Mr. Shen stood on the windowsill, blowing the evening breeze, looking at the scenery in the distance.

His wife's disease was in the late stage, but if she was actively treated, there was still hope, but the other party had no intention of doing so.

At that time, they already had a child named Yanchen, but his father was very strict with Yanchen, and he didn't like his wife very much, so his wife rarely saw Yanchen.

The child couldn't be with her, and she couldn't feel her husband's love, maybe this was the reason why she couldn't hold on.

But Mrs. Shen didn't know that Mr. Shen actually cared about her and never let her go. It's just that she was very unlike Wan Ge, and would do some things to make him nervous and behave like this.

So Mr. Shen didn't reject Wan Ge doing such things at all. Although he was a little willful, he was not dead yet, and he could make decisions about the company.

As long as his son was not like himself, he would have no regrets in the future.

During the time when Shen Yanchen was not interested in working, most of the troubles were handled by Mr. Shen.

Now that Wan Ge knew the other party's intentions, he should not follow in his footsteps.

At this time, a man with a cane stood behind him: "It's cold at night, don't blow the wind here."

After saying that, the old man left with a cane again.

Mr. Shen knew that every time his son missed Mrs. Shen, he would blow the wind here.

The staggering old man actually regretted it very much. With such a strong control desire like him, it is impossible for him not to know what happened in the past few days, but he pretended not to know.

His son seemed to have a short happy life since he was a child. After his daughter-in-law left, he seemed to be more unhappy.

He was old, and the older he got, the more he thought about it, and he regretted it. It was a pity that he could not make up for his regrets. The only thing he could do now was to stop caring about them and give them freedom.

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