At night, when Wan Ge was lying on the bed preparing to sleep, she heard someone around her ask her seriously: "Do you really just want to be a full-time wife?"

If it was because she didn't see her ability before, she just thought that she wanted to do it, and she was not unable to support her.

But after seeing her ability today, Shen Yanchen inexplicably felt that how could she be a person willing to be ordinary?

Her ability is so strong that it can't be achieved by taking advantage of the situation.

Wan Ge nodded very confidently. Maybe the original owner would not be, but she is, and she just wants to be his full-time wife.

"Why?" Shen Yanchen asked his doubts.

Wan Ge is also ambitious, but she is not the original owner, nor is she from this world. She doesn't care about fame and fortune. She has taken various roles before. In fact, there is nothing particularly attractive to her in the small world.

Having a beautiful little skirt and being well fed and clothed is enough for her. It doesn't really matter whether she makes money or not. Her career is just to complete the tasks given by the system.

But now… apart from the tasks given by the system, she also has to accompany him well.

Wan Ge also felt that the other party did not remember her at all after changing to another world, which was equivalent to reincarnation. Maybe the soul still had some feelings for her.

But if he had someone he liked before, or he was an enemy of her, it would not be easy for her to make him stay with her.

And although it is indeed the fourth world and the other party is still there, it is hard to guarantee that he will not be in the next world. Of course, if he is still in the next world, she should think about why he is still there.

Anyway, Wan Ge treats every time as the last time to love each other, and cherishes every minute and every second of being together.

Wan Ge looked at the person in front of him and answered seriously: "Because in this way I can always have time to accompany you. Life is short, I just want to cherish the time with you."

Shen Yanchen couldn't help but tremble when he heard this. He looked at the person in front of him and asked one last question: "When did you fall in love with me?"

Wan Ge smiled and answered: "Maybe I liked it in my previous life, so I wanted to be with you the first time I saw you in this life."

Shen Yanchen thought of the first time he met her. The other party had a smile on her face and wanted to shake hands with him in a friendly way, but he just nodded coldly and didn't even say a word to her.

Shen Yanchen really regretted it. If he was given another chance, he would definitely not be like before. He would definitely be very polite to her.

But it doesn't matter. He still has a lifetime to make up for it. What he didn't take care of before can be taken care of now.

Shen Yanchen lay beside her and fell asleep peacefully, but his hand was still tightly holding her hand, as if he was afraid that after he woke up, the other party would not be by his side.

When Shen Yanchen woke up, she subconsciously touched the bedside, but there was no one there. She didn't know when the hand holding her loosened. After waking up, she couldn't see her beloved again. It seemed that she had just dreamed of finding him and bringing him home yesterday.

Shen Yanchen quickly lifted the quilt and put on slippers. When she was about to look for someone, she heard a noise from the bathroom.

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