"Wange, the doctor said you are pregnant?" Mr. Xue, who was originally traveling with his wife, suddenly heard a message from the doctor saying that Wane was pregnant.

"Yes, I am indeed pregnant." Wane knew that it must be the doctor who told him, and such a thing could not be hidden from them.

"Whose child is it?" Mr. Xue still tried to control his anger. In fact, if it were not for his wife to persuade him to calm down, he would have been angry long ago.

His daughter did something like getting pregnant before marriage! Although there are many girls in this era, some even do not want to get married and find a boyfriend but want to have a baby and have surgery to have their own children.

But it is still hard for him to believe that the well-behaved and sensible daughter in his memory actually did such a thing.

At this time, Ji Feng took the phone and answered the other end of the phone: "It's mine."

"Who are you?!" Good guy, he is still with his daughter now. Did Wane go to him because she was pregnant, so the two of them are together now.

"I am Ji Feng." Ji Feng's tone was calm, without a bit of tension.

! On the contrary, the person on the other end of the phone was confused. To be honest, Mr. Xue had not seen Ji Feng many times. Most of the time, he just saw him passing by. There was no chance for face-to-face communication so far.

In general, it is easy to meet Duan Yinan, but it is even more difficult to meet Ji Feng.

Sometimes Mr. Xue even suspected that Duan Yinan was afraid that someone would poach him, so he was on guard.

He had always wanted to meet him but couldn't, but now he has become the father of his grandson.

Yes, before the two of them officially got married, everything was possible, so he was not a son-in-law.

"What's going on with you two? Tell me quickly."

Ji Feng still answered calmly: "We are together, and we will be together forever."

They have been together for a long time, and everything should have been done according to that. If it weren't for the fact that he was just a little bit away from success, he should still be loving Wan Ge at home.

"It's hard to explain over the phone. We should go back to G City and meet. I'll send the address to Wan Ge."

Mr. Xue only heard the other party hum, and then the contact was cut off.

Looking at the hung up call, Mr. Xue wanted to see Ji Feng even more. He wanted to be with his daughter, and he dared to be so arrogant to him. He wanted to see what Ji Feng was capable of.

After Ji Feng hung up the phone, he put the phone on the table and pulled Wan Ge to the chair in his office and asked her to sit on his chair.

And Ji Feng lay directly on her legs, his eyes still fell on her belly: "Baby, what should I prepare for this little guy? Should I check it out?"

Looking at the other party's sincere eyes, in fact, the child now has not yet taken shape, and cannot be considered a real child.

"Ji Feng, actually... I can also not have this baby." It is true that this baby does not know where it came from, and I don't know what happened to me. Keeping this baby is not necessarily a good thing.

She was frightened by such a big shock at first, and she couldn't think rationally at all. Now she has really calmed down and finally said these words.

[New Year's extra update, I wish you a happy new year, all your wishes come true, everything goes well, and you will become a rich woman soon~]

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