The moment he saw the photo, Ji Feng curled his lips. This must be what Wan Ge prepared for him.

Wan Ge was called away by the vice president as soon as he brought people to the office, so he could only let Ji Feng stay in the office and wait for him.

Not long after Wan Ge left, a girl saw the people in the office when she passed by.

The girl knocked on the door and walked in, saying: "Hello, this is the office prepared for Dr. Ji Feng. President Xue said that others should not enter casually."

Ji Feng looked back at the other party and said lightly: "I am Ji Feng."

"Ah?" The girl was stunned for a moment. Almost all researchers knew Ji Feng's name, but there were very few photos of him. There was a photo that was circulated, and it only took a little side face.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Ji, I won't bother you then." The girl left the office immediately after she finished speaking.

Thinking in her heart, is it true? Ji Feng looks too good, right? And he seems to be very young.

But she remembered that the other party was indeed very young. There was a message mentioned his age before.

When Mr. Xue was preparing a separate laboratory, everyone was curious about who Mr. Xue was preparing it for. After asking around, they found out that someone said it was for Ji Feng.

At first, they didn't believe it, because how could Ji Feng come here when he was in Duanshi? Later, Mr. Xue told them that he was really coming.

Other researchers were very excited. Even though the other party was younger than them, their achievements, research results and research capabilities were beyond their reach, and they wanted to communicate with each other.

The girl was excited to share with others that she had seen Ji Feng, and he really came.

In fact, what really made the girl sure was that she accidentally saw the photo on the table when he left, so she confirmed that the other party was Ji Feng.

But not long after, they felt a little disappointed, because Ji Feng had his own separate laboratory and was not with them, and Ji Feng often stayed in the laboratory alone and rarely talked to others.

When he was not in the laboratory or in the office, he was in Mr. Xue's office. But they learned a shocking news: Ji Feng was Mr. Xue's husband. It turned out that Ji Feng came to them for this reason.

After the meeting, Wan Ge returned to the office and saw that the chair in her office had been changed.

Ji Feng immediately got off the chair after seeing her come back, and then held her hand: "Baby, try the massage chair I researched. You will feel comfortable sitting here when you work. When you are tired, you can start the button and the chair will give you a massage."

This massage is for the whole body, including foot massage. Ji Feng has also studied body massage, and it will not hurt the baby. As for foot massage, it will be more useful. In the late pregnancy, swelling and cramps may occur, and foot massage will improve.

In addition, Ji Feng also brought a bottle of medicine to her: "This is the medicine I made for you, which can enhance your physique and avoid illness, and it also has the effect of keeping the fetus."

It is also specially made, and it will never hurt the child or Wan Ge.

There are many pregnant women who cannot avoid getting sick when they are pregnant. Although there are many medicines for pregnant women now, they can relieve symptoms without affecting the fetus.

But getting sick will still be a painful process, and avoiding getting sick is the best.

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