In the first week or two after Ji Feng came, some people still doubted his ability, and some people thought that he was not as exaggerated as he said.

But when Wan Ge took out a robot chip, everyone shut up, because even the most advanced robot chip in their company could not reach one tenth of it.

After that, even when the shareholders treated Ji Feng, they were all respectful.

Duan Yinan has been paying attention to whether his brother is doing well in the new company. Although he has never met him alone, he has always been very concerned.

Seeing that he is doing well in the company, he feels that he has a very good relationship with Wan Ge in the past few months. Because when they meet for cooperation, the two of them are always together and get along very well.

Ji Feng did not have any trace of the look he had when he insisted on taking Wang Ge home.

Even Ruan Ruan was thinking that maybe Ji Feng was not as terrible as she thought, maybe he was just a little paranoid. Now that his lover also loves him, he should not be the same as before.

But he didn't expect that the slap in the face would come soon.

After ten months of pregnancy, Wan Ge finally gave birth to the child. During the pregnancy, Ji Feng really took good care of her. In addition to the massage and special medicines developed by Ji Feng, she did not have a single minor illness during this period, not to mention her diet and daily life. Ji Feng wanted to give her the best.

When giving birth, there were the best instruments and the best doctors. The most important thing was that Wan Ge did not find it difficult to give birth naturally.

Wan Ge felt that it was all Ji Feng's doing, but she did not know that she had lost her memory. Her son would never let her down.

Ji Feng knew that nothing would happen, but he was still very uneasy. In the end, it was Wan Ge who asked to see the child, and Ji Feng held the child for the first time.

It was the first time for him to come into contact with such a small child. He was really small, very small, and he had stopped crying a few minutes ago, so he was quiet now.

He really became a father. In the future, he will have a happy family, a beloved wife, and lovely children.

Wan Ge's eyes fell on the man holding the child. The other party was not wearing glasses at this moment. His once beautiful blue eyes fell on the child. He looked gentle and loving, and he felt that he would become a good father.

Perhaps at this moment, everyone thought that they would always be so happy and happy.

Until later...

After Wan Ge recovered, in addition to the normal commuting, she spent more time on her newborn baby.

Wan Ge held a bottle in her hand and walked to the front of the stroller, ready to feed the baby.

When she wanted to feed the baby herself for the first time, Ji Feng's face darkened, and his face was full of disbelief, but he soon returned to normal and gently told Wan Ge that he had prepared milk powder for the baby, which was very nutritious and healthy.

Wan Ge wanted to talk about her own problems, but of course she gave up when she saw him say that. After that, she always fed the baby milk powder.

Wan Ge teased the child, and the child who knew nothing would be very happy to see his mother, and smiled instantly.

And Wan Ge's eyes fell on the other's blue eyes. It must be said that his eyes are really like Ji Feng's, with the same pure and beautiful blue pupils.

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