Nelris did not answer immediately but waved his hand. Although the breath was very weak, the scattered breath was noticed by Hades.

Hades was shocked: "Is it a fallen god?"

"It should be him, but we don't know who it is yet. I will have someone investigate and I will give you an explanation for this matter."

Fallen gods are not accepted by the gods. In the past, fallen gods would go to the demon world, but now the demon world and the gods are on good terms. There was once a fallen god who learned half of the demon world in order to be respected, so the demon world no longer accepts fallen gods.

Most fallen gods are wandering and have nowhere to go. I just don't know why this fallen god came to the underworld to destroy the mandrake flower. What is his purpose?

Nelris suddenly flew into the air, and his snow-white wings appeared, and the gentle divine power fell on each mandrake flower.

Finally, he returned to Hades: "We still don't know how the fallen angels contaminated the mandala flowers. My divine power can nurture them for a while, but we should find the root cause as soon as possible."

"Okay, you go investigate the fallen angels, and I will continue to investigate the source of the pollution."

"Yeah." Nelris responded and was about to leave.

Suddenly, Hades behind him spoke: "Nelris, do you really like the one from the demon clan?"

If he remembered correctly, Nelris said before that the little princess of the demon clan was his lover?

"Of course, don't worry, I have never been interested in your Hades Queen, I never had it before and I won't have it in the future. You have always misunderstood."

Nelris disappeared in front of him after he finished speaking.

Hades looked at his disappearing figure and whispered softly: "Just a misunderstanding?"


Nelris went back to the gods to ask someone to investigate the whereabouts of the fallen angels, and then ran back to the demon world.

But just when he was about to appear in front of Wan Ge, he suddenly heard the conversation in the room.

A man's voice sounded: "Ange, I know you don't like him, and the marriage is not what you want. Let's run away from the marriage. I was wrong. I can't give you to others. I still like you."

Ange put down the bottle in his hand, then looked up at the person who was talking to him, and all the information about this person flashed through his mind quickly.

This person is the little prince of the blood clan and the heir of the blood clan. He grew up with the original owner as a childhood sweetheart. The original owner also liked this person.

When she just knew that she was going to marry, the original owner went straight to him and wanted him to run away with her.

But he hesitated. He couldn't let go of everything he had now. After Ange saw through it, he didn't say anything more, but left alone.

It's a pity that he was finally caught and taken hostage. Fortunately, Wan Ge knew the plot and had been prepared.

Years of feelings eventually dissipated because of power and status. Ange had long been disheartened about emotions.

"Why do you think I don't like him? I don't want to marry him? What if I say I like him very much?"

"Impossible!" The man grabbed Wan Ge's wrist: "If you like him, you wouldn't let him stay so far away from you, and you wouldn't forbid him to touch you. You obviously like hugging, but you just don't like him."

"What are you talking about! You..." Before he could even say the word "shut up", a sword flew in.

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