If the man in front of Wan Ge hadn't dodged quickly and the other party didn't really want his life, the sword would have really stabbed him.

"Stay away from my wife." Nelris's angry voice came from the door, and Wan Ge looked up immediately.

"Wife?" The man laughed directly: "Sir Nelris, An Ge doesn't like you, you should have noticed."

"What happened between us has nothing to do with you. She didn't admit that she doesn't like me, that's enough."

"You are deceiving yourself. There are all kinds of women that the Great God wants. Why must he have my lover?"

Nelris kicked the other party away. What does his lover mean? Obviously An Ge is his fiancée and his lover.

After kicking the irrelevant person away, Nelris pulled the person into his arms, holding her chin with one hand, and kissed her very passionately, which made Wan Ge stunned.

After a long while, Wan Ge finally reacted and pushed the person away, but Nerris held him down and kissed him again.

"Ange, you are mine, and only mine."

"Nerris! Let me go, don't let me hate you."

"Then you can hate me, you don't like me anyway."

"I don't dislike you, really!" Wan Ge sighed helplessly.

"I don't want to believe what you said, you lied to me! You said you don't like to contact people, but your childhood friend said you like hugging."

"Nerris, he doesn't understand me either, I have nothing to do with him, never before and never in the future."

Nerris listened to what Wan Ge said, why did he always feel so familiar.

"No, I know everything. You liked him before, but you let him go because he didn't want to take you away."

"You also said that he didn't want to take me away and gave me up, so I won't look back. I did like him before, but we really have no relationship. We are not lovers, and we didn't even hug each other when we grew up."

It's true that they didn't do those things. They were childhood sweethearts, but they knew to avoid suspicion when they reached a certain age.

Although the two of them are still together often, they are not as close as when they were young.

Originally, I thought that they could be closer after getting married after growing up, so there was no need to be so anxious, but I didn't expect that they hadn't been officially together yet, and the Demon King told her that she needed to marry and she couldn't like him.

"Really?" Nelris felt that he was indeed comforted a little, but he was still worried that Ange would lie to him.

"I swear to you, I promise you that nothing I said was a lie."

I will never look back, because she is not the original owner, so she will never like the little prince of the blood clan.

Nelris's eyes fell on Wan Ge's lips that had just been kissed and swollen: "I'm sorry... I was stimulated."

While saying this, Nelris grabbed her hand. The next second, Nelris held his hand and slapped his face.

Wan Ge retracted her hand instantly: "Nelris! What are you doing?"

The delicate and beautiful cheeks turned red instantly. If it weren't for the God Clan's physique, I'm afraid it would have swollen.

"I hurt you, I have to bear it. If An Ge feels unsatisfied, you can still..." Nelris said as a sword appeared in his hand.

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