If they really did something, then she couldn't blame her son for fighting back.

"You can choose not to be Qi Luo, but what about him? Although we can't find out his identity yet, it's only a matter of time with the strength of the Qi family."

"You are threatening me." Qi Luo clenched his fists tightly, and his face darkened.

"Whatever you think." Mrs. Qi clenched her hands tightly. On the surface, she looked like she was not showing any weakness, but she was not like that in her heart.

Sorry, son, I know you must like him very much, but you can't like him. You can't like boys, not because your parents don't allow it... but...

"What do you want?"

Mrs. Qi took out a photo and put it in front of him: "Marry her, the Su family intends to marry us, she is very suitable."

Qi Luo took a look and tightened his fists. He didn't hate the person in the photo, but at this moment he actually felt disgusted.



Wang Ge was stupid when she received the message from her mother.

Her mother told her that Qi Luo wanted to go on a blind date with her, and Wan Ge had a face full of question marks: [What happened? Why would he be willing to go on a blind date with me? 】

Don’t say that Qi Luo is not interested in women and doesn’t like to interact with people now. It seems that no one can affect his thoughts except her in men’s clothing.

Even Qi Luo in the past was not approachable by everyone and he was not willing to go on blind dates with everyone.

“Don’t ask so many questions, as long as you can get what you want.”

What do you mean by getting what you want! It doesn’t look like Qi Luo is willing.

Although he doesn’t know the reason, Wan Ge still went.

In the box, Qi Luo didn’t say a word. He looked very irritable and could feel his extremely unhappy mood.

“You don’t want to go on a blind date with me? Then why did you come?”

Qi Luo snorted coldly and didn’t answer. If his mother hadn’t threatened him with Wan Wan, he would be here.

But Qi Luo knew that it was not a problem to continue to be so stagnant, so after taking a deep breath, Qi Luo spoke again: "I hope that President Su can ruin the marriage by himself. If President Su does it, no matter what happens to the Su family in the future, I may not help you as long as you ask."

Wan Ge gently raised her lips at his state, took a sip of the wine in front of her, and asked him: "What if I don't want to?"

"Marrying me is not a good thing for you, maybe it's just the beginning of a tragic fate."

"Why do you say that?"

"I have someone I like, and the person I like is not you. I love him very much."

"How much do you love him?"

Qi Luo lowered his head again and did not answer Wan Ge, but silently answered himself in his heart: How much do you love him? I love him very much, even if I sacrifice my life.

But he can't die. If he dies, the Qi family will not let Wan Wan go.

Wan Ge smiled and stood up. Qi Luo raised his head with indifference and doubt in his eyes, as if he didn't understand why she stood up.

The next second, Wan Ge approached him directly, and before Qi Luo could react, Wan Ge sat on him directly.

Qi Luo finally came to his senses and wanted to push the person away, but Wan Ge hugged his neck.

At that moment, Qi Luo's hands froze, and his mind was blank. When the warm touch fell on his lips, the blank picture in Qi Luo's mind collapsed a little bit.

"If you like it so much, how can you not even recognize the person?" Wan Ge rubbed his lips lightly with her fingertips.

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