"Wan... Wanwan..." Qi Luo's face turned red to his ears, and he put down his hand that was about to push her away.

"I heard that your mother doesn't allow you to be with a man, so you can tell her that you are obedient. You won't be with a man."

After Wan Ge finished speaking, she continued: "Also, Wanwan is the name you gave me? You didn't always call me Awan."

"I... I'm afraid you don't like it." He just felt that calling Wanwan was closer and more special. But he never dared to call this name in front of Wan Ge, because he was afraid that the other party would not like it.

"As long as you call me, I like it. Tell me, what's going on?" Although Ruanruan explained almost everything to her at that moment, Wan Ge still wanted to hear him say it in person.

In fact, Wan Ge revealed her identity at the beginning because she couldn't stand the other party's attitude towards her, so she planned to try it. When she asked him, she felt his attitude, so she revealed herself.

At the moment of revealing her identity, Qi Luo realized that he was Awan, and his memory came back. Ruanruan explained the reason to herself.

As long as he knows that they are the same person, his memory can be restored.

Qi Luo explained softly.

Wange looked up at him again: "If I am not Ah Wan, what will you do in the end?"

"I... I don't know either." He definitely didn't want to let Ah Wan down. He was forced to see her. If the other party was willing to listen to his arrangements, everything would be fine.

If the other party didn't want to... Qi Luo didn't know what he would do.

But at that time, he thought that he had no feelings for him, and the two of them would always torture each other when they were together. There was no need, and there couldn't be such a need.

But he never thought that Wane was Ah Wan, the person he had been thinking about.

So it was not an accident that he felt that his outline was similar, and it was not an accident that he smelled the same perfume. Perhaps he had already noticed it in his heart, but he just thought that a man and a woman could not be the same.

"Qi Luo, I will only give you one chance to admit that you made a mistake. If you don't recognize me in the future, see how I will deal with you." Wane deliberately made a fierce move.

Qi Luo hugged him tighter: "I won't fail to recognize you again, I promise."

Wang Ge was satisfied when she heard the answer she wanted, and kissed him on the face.

Qi Luo suddenly remembered Su Wanzhou's reaction and what he said to him: "Did Su Wanzhou always know that you are his sister and Ah Wan?"

Wang Ge nodded, and explained to him why she was dressed as a man. "Don't blame Xiao Zhou, he is just worried about you."

"Worried about me? What's there to worry about? He knows that I like you, but he doesn't tell me the truth. I think he just wants to watch the show."

What? Wan Ge also seemed to realize something: "You stinky boy dared to lie to me, right? Let me show you how I deal with him."

"You don't have to do it, I'll deal with him for you." By the way, I also avenged him. I watched him anxiously for the sake of watching the show, right? Very good! Su Wanzhou is finished.

That night, Wan Ge received a call from Su Wan Zhou for help: "Sister, my dear sister, I was wrong, can you persuade your Qi Luo? Woo woo woo..."

"You deserve it, just bear with it. You dare to deceive even your sister, you are very good." Wan Ge answered calmly.

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