Wan Ge brought the man into the house, and closed the door after her mother left.

"Be good, let go." The other party was willing to follow her into the house, but he still held her tightly.

"I don't want it!" Xu Yan still spoke with grievance, but was extremely firm.

"Be obedient." How can you be like a child when you are drunk? You have lost your previous maturity and stability, right?

"Why do you want to break up with me? I don't want it."

Wan Ge sighed: "You can't force feelings."

"Do you think being with me is forced?" Xu Yan was much sober at this moment. In fact, he didn't drink much, but he got drunk easily when he drank.

He wanted to go back to her, so he came back and sat at the door of her house.

When Mrs. Lin woke him up, he was indeed still very confused for a while, but when he saw Wan Ge and listened to what she said, he gradually became more sober.

"No, but since we have problems, it may be a stretch to stay together."

"Why do you want to break up with me? You have been restless since you came back from grandpa's house. What happened? Why don't you want me anymore?" At this moment, Xu Yan looked pitiful like a puppy abandoned by his owner.

Wan Ge took a deep breath, still struggling whether to say it or not. Will he answer if he asked?

"Did grandpa tell you something?" Xu Yan tried to recall all the details of that day, but he really couldn't remember when they had a private chat.

"Grandpa didn't say anything to me, and it wasn't because he went back to grandpa's house. If you are sober, then you can see when to move your things back." After saying that, Wan Ge went straight back to the room, leaving Xu Yan alone in the living room.

Xu Yan's eyes fell on the closed door, and finally stood up. His steps were still a little staggering, but he still walked back to his room.

When Wan Ge opened the door again, Xu Yan was gone. The door of the room he originally lived in was open, and many of his things were moved out.

Wan Ge should be relieved that she couldn't see him, but her heart began to hurt again.

Wan Ge took a deep breath and covered her heart, okay, don't hurt anymore, even if you like us, we can't be together.

The gap has been created, and she can't die, at least she can't die while her parents are still alive.

Mom and Dad gave her all their love and paid so much for her health and her growth. She can't risk her life for a man.

So even if she is not sure, after hearing those words in person, Wan Ge still dare not bet.

In the next two days, Wan Ge didn't receive any news from Xu Yan, let alone see him.

It was another normal commute. Wan Ge just arrived at the underground garage. Because of overtime, it was already evening. In the past, Xu Yan would come to pick her up at this time, or let the driver pick her up.

Wan Ge sighed and was about to open the car door when she suddenly felt something strange behind her. She lost consciousness before she could turn around.

When she opened her eyes again, she was in a strange place. Her hands were not tied up, but her feet were tied with a long chain.

Wan Ge had thought of all kinds of kidnappings in her mind, but this room didn't look like one given by ordinary kidnappers.

Just as she was still wondering what was going on, there was a noise at the door.

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