Xu Yan walked in from the door, holding food in his hand. His handsome face seemed to be more vicissitudes than before.

His eyes were dark and blue, and his mental state was completely different from before.

"Xu Yan!" Wan Ge was stunned. She felt very strange looking at the person in front of her, as if she had never known this person.

Xu Yan put the food on the table, picked up the bowl, and handed the spoon to Wan Ge: "Wife, you haven't eaten for a day, you must be hungry."

"What do you want to do!" Wan Ge was very shocked and very angry, and she didn't understand why Xu Yan would do such a thing.

In her impression, Xu Yan had a mild temper and would never do such a thing, so when she saw him coming in, Wan Ge's mind went blank.

"Let me out, Xu Yan, you are breaking the law and it's wrong." Wan Ge said to the other party with a serious face, but Xu Yan obviously didn't listen.

Xu Yan put down the things in his hand and hugged her: "Don't be angry, my dear. I just want to be with you so that we can continue to be together."

Wan Ge was shocked and looked at Xu Yan in disbelief: "Do you know what you are talking about! Xu Yan, we have broken up."

"No, you are just angry, right? I will be good and obedient, please don't leave me." Xu Yan looked at Wan Ge pitifully, and tears fell from his eyes one by one.

After being with him for nearly a year, Xu Yan was calm, mature and gentle in his impression, and never showed his vulnerable side in front of her.

This was the first time he saw Xu Yan like this, crazy and vulnerable.

Seeing him like this, Wan Ge admitted that she felt a little distressed, but more afraid. She had never thought that Xu Yan would have such an extreme side. She was about to blurt out the words, but Wan Ge, who was gradually regaining her rationality, suddenly calmed down a lot.

"Then... can you help me untie it first?" Wan Ge's eyes fell on her feet.

Xu Yan nodded, squatted down and took out the key to unlock the handcuffs, but when the key was inserted into the lock, Xu Yan suddenly came to his senses. He immediately pulled out the key and stood up: "No! You will leave."

"No." Wan Ge stretched out her hand and held his cheek: "I promise you, I won't leave."


"Really!" Wan Ge coaxed the other party softly again, just like when they first got together.

Xu Yan's heart moved, and he still listened to her words and finally opened the handcuffs on her feet.

However, he felt a pain in his neck as soon as he opened it, and then he lost consciousness.

The second before he lost consciousness, he realized that he had been deceived, but it was too late to speak.

When Xu Yan woke up, he could still feel a dull pain in his neck.

Looking at the empty room in front of him, Xu Yan knew that he had been deceived, and he felt hopeless.

After a long time, Xu Yan finally thought of getting up. At worst, he would tie himself up again. This time, he would never be fooled so easily.

But when he moved his feet, he felt something strange on his feet. He looked down and found that the handcuffs were leaning on his feet at this moment.

Xu Yan laughed. Was she taking revenge on him, or was she worried that she didn't run fast enough?

Xu Yan knew very well that his special handcuffs would not hurt people normally, but it was difficult to open them. Seeing this, he could only open them violently. There were not many things available in the room, and he finally found a knife.

When Wan Ge opened the door of the room, he saw Xu Yan, who had made himself bloody.

His face darkened instantly: "What are you doing?"

The knife in Xu Yan's hand fell to the ground. He looked up at Wan Ge standing at the door in disbelief. She didn't leave. Joy instantly spread in his heart. Xu Yan smiled: "I knew you couldn't bear to leave me."

Wan Ge put the food on the bedside with a bad face and said: "Why are you so annoying."

After that, he turned around and seemed to be going to leave the room. Xu Yan panicked and got up quickly, stretched out his hand and hugged her: "Don't go."

Wan Ge turned around and asked the other party to sit by the bed: "Wait here, I'll get you medicine."

Xu Yan looked at him eagerly, holding her hand but not letting go at all.

"I won't lie to you." Wan Ge reiterated.

After hearing this, Xu Yan let go of his hand obediently. He knew that his wife would not lie to him, his wife would not abandon him, and his wife would still feel distressed when she saw him injured.

After he let go of her hand, Wan Ge went straight to the medicine box, took the tetanus shot and some disinfectant and trauma medicine and returned to the room.

XuBefore Yan woke up, Wan Ge had already observed this place.

They are now on a small island in the sea, which should be a private island, with no one else.

But Wan Ge did not leave not because she could not leave. She actually found a boat. If she wanted to leave, she could leave, but she did not leave.

Xu Yan kept watching Wan Ge treating his wounds, and Wan Ge said again: "If you don't eat my food, it will get cold."

After hearing this, Xu Yan picked up the food on the side and ate it bite by bite, but his eyes still fell on Wan Ge.

"Is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Xu Yan did not hesitate at all.

"Is it delicious enough to eat fish bones? If you get stuck, I can't pull it out for you." It's okay to give him an injection, but if you really get stuck, Wan Ge doesn't have that kind of skills.

"Cough cough cough!" As soon as Wan Ge finished speaking, Xu Yan started coughing.

Wan Ge panicked for a moment. She just said it because she saw that he was not concentrating on eating. Could he really be stuck by a thorn?

When cooking, I saw that this fish didn't have many small bones, they were all relatively large, so there shouldn't be any bones stuck.

Xu Yan slightly raised his lips: "I knew my wife still cares about me."

Wan Ge snorted coldly, and then said: "Tell me, what did you mean by what you said to grandpa that day?"

"When? What did I say to grandpa?" Xu Yan was confused, and then finally reacted, so Wan Ge's reaction to him at this time was indeed related to going to grandpa, right? He knew that something must have happened, so his wife would be upset with him like this.

"I heard your conversation that night." Wan Ge said it directly.

That night, Xu Yan thought about it, and he had a good memory, so he instantly remembered what happened that night.

"Grandpa said I would die." Wan Ge said again, and then waited for an explanation from the other party.

"How could it be, you won't die, I will never hurt you." Xu Yan answered very seriously.

"So what is it? What do you mean by you will never hurt me?" Wan Ge asked him back.

Xu Yan then started to explain to her.

Wan Ge also understood the whole process. In fact, the reason why Xu Yan went up the mountain was not because of his so-called poor health.

But he was indeed ill, but it was a mental illness.

Xu Yan showed a very radical and extreme personality when he was very young. At that time, he saw many psychologists but there was no effect.

Just when the Xu family was at a loss, Xu's grandfather's friend gave him a suggestion and asked Xu Yan to try with him.

Except when Xu Yan was paranoid, his personality was still relatively good. His master taught him very patiently. Because he learned a lot in the mountains and had to rely on himself a lot, maybe when he was busy, he would not think too much and there were not so many entanglements.

Gradually, Xu Yan's personality became more and more stable. Until last year, his master felt that he could go down the mountain and go home, which led to the blind date with Wan Ge.

Xu Yan went up the mountain not to recuperate, but to cultivate his body and mind.

Facts have proved that when nothing serious happens, Xu Yan's mood is particularly stable, even different from that of ordinary people.

Until this time, Wan Ge broke up with him, Xu Yan was stimulated again, and the paranoid factor that had been suppressed for so many years came out.

Grandpa actually talked about this incident that he was too paranoid.

When he was a child, he hurt others and himself because of this incident. Grandpa was really worried that if something happened in the future, Xu Yan would be paranoid enough to hurt Wan Ge, so there was a conversation that day.

Wan Ge looked at Xu Yan in front of her. Very good, a good and gentle husband, now she forced out the paranoid side, it was really... too exciting.

"Why didn't you leave?" Xu Yan looked at Wan Ge in front of him.

The boat was parked at the dock, and Wan Ge could leave if she wanted to. The operation of the boat was not difficult. Wan Ge had driven a car before, and it was easy for a smart girl like her to try to drive away.

"I promised you I wouldn't leave, so I won't."

"Then why did you knock me out?" Since she wasn't going to leave, why did she knock him out?

"You have dark circles under your eyes, so you must not have slept well, so I'm helping you." Wan Ge was very measured in her actions. She knew that this wouldn't hurt him much, it would just make him unconscious for a while.

"Fortunately you didn't leave." Xu Yan hugged him again.

Wan Ge just nodded lightly, then gently pushed him away, and finally handcuffed the leg cuffs she had just taken off to his other leg.On the injured foot.

Xu Yan took another look: "Wife?"

"Punishment." Wan Ge said lightly.

Xu Yan knew that he was in the wrong, and he did not refute her when he heard her say that. As long as his wife was happy, she could do whatever she wanted as long as she was no longer angry.

Wan Ge saw that he did not struggle anymore, and she curled her lips with satisfaction.

Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, Wan Ge knows that there is no supernatural event, and the reason why grandpa is worried is because of his personality problem, then it is not a big deal.

"Wife... then are we reconciled now?" They are not breaking up, right?

Wan Ge hummed again.

With one affirmation, Xu Yan was already very happy.

"Then what about us now?" Xu Yan looked at Wan Ge, otherwise he didn't know what to do next.

Wan Ge held his face, kissed him directly, and pushed him down.

After washing the bed sheet stained with the blood of the two people, Xu Yan obediently handcuffed his leg back, lay back on the bed, hugged his wife and fell asleep.

When Xu Yan woke up, there was no one beside the bed again, but he heard a sound outside the balcony, it seemed that Wan Ge was talking on the phone with someone.

"Sorry, manager, I will transfer all the work on hand to Jiang Qin. Um... I confirmed that I want to resign. I'm sorry that it happened so suddenly that I didn't have time to tell you. OK... OK... Bye then."

Wan Ge hung up the phone, and when she turned around, she saw that the person on the bed had woken up and was looking at her with a smile.

Wan Ge walked into the house with the sea breeze, and then walked to his side: "Are you awake? Did you steal my key last night?"

When Wan Ge woke up, she found that the bed sheets had been changed, and the original bed sheets were missing. She knew that Xu Yan must have gotten up and walked a long way, which must be beyond the reach of the chain. From this, she inferred that the other party must have unlocked the handcuffs.

Xu Yan glanced at the key on the bedside table: "It was my wife who gave me the key, I didn't steal it."

Wan Ge snorted, and then took the key without arguing with the other party: "I'll put the key somewhere else as punishment for disobedience."

Xu Yan didn't have any opinion. It seemed that as long as Wan Ge was happy, even if she lost her only key now, Xu Yan would not be unhappy

"Wife, have you quit your job?" Xu Yan said softly again. He actually heard every word of their conversation just now.

Wan Ge nodded. At least in the next few months, Wan Ge didn't plan to leave here. So quitting her job was the most suitable, and she was almost caused by Xu Yan's trick, which caused the company to lose a large order. She really didn't have the face to stay in the company.

"I'm sorry, my wife. I didn't think it through."

Wan Ge smiled directly: "Are you sure you have considered it?"

How to say it? If the other party didn't think about it at all, he wouldn't have knocked her out directly, but I'm afraid he didn't think about anything else except bringing her here. At that time, he probably wanted to lock her up for life, so he didn't care whether she worked or not, and brought her here directly.

Without giving any information to anyone, whether family, friends or colleagues, Xu Yan took her mobile phone away at that time. There was nothing in the room that could be used for communication. It was obvious that he was prepared not to let anyone contact her, and not to let him contact anyone.

Xu Yan lowered his head again in embarrassment.

For the next half month, Xu Yan was locked in the room, and the chain could reach the bathroom and toilet.

During this half month, Xu Yan was locked in the room and didn't go out. All the food was made by Wan Ge. Of course, the dishes and other things were already in the refrigerator, and there were also vegetables in the vegetable garden outside.

Of course, the most abundant thing at the seaside is seafood. So for now, there is no worry about food.

Only half a month has passed: "Tomorrow I plan to leave the island for a while to buy some food. You just wait for me at home, okay?"

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