When Jinran came back and found that his little fox was missing, when he found her, Wan Ge was in the dungeon of the Princess Temple, covered in blood, with scars on her cheeks, arms and body.

She forcibly broke the seal and turned back to human form. There was another person lying on the ground under her feet. It was undoubtedly the princess of the God Clan. The other party was not dead, but she looked seriously injured.

"Little fox..." Jinran felt his heart tightened. Seeing the other party like this, he felt particularly distressed. He raised his hand and didn't know whether to heal her wounds or wipe her face.

But Wan Ge in front of him took a step back: "Do you hate me so much? Okay, I will never appear in front of you again."

Her voice was a little weak, but her tone was extremely firm.

Jinran opened his mouth, but didn't say a word. He watched the other party walk past him and leave the God Realm.

"Wan Ge!" Sang Lan hugged Wan Ge in his arms. When Wan Ge threw herself into his arms, she couldn't maintain her human form and turned back into a little fox.

Sang Lan looked at the little fox that fainted in her arms with wounds all over her body, and her face darkened.

In front of everyone, she left the demon ministers behind and went into seclusion to heal her.

In less than a day, the demon world spread that the future demon queen was seriously injured. The demon king was furious and was in seclusion to heal her at this moment.

"Jinran... I... I am the princess of the heavenly realm, how dare you do this to me... ah..." On the God Locking Platform, the princess of the heavenly realm, who was already seriously injured, was still suffering from the thunder at this moment.

"God, my daughter is ignorant, I hope you will spare her life, if you strike her again, she will be completely destroyed... you..." The emperor of heaven, who pleaded for his daughter, was strangled by a force the next second and could not move.

"How did she get into my temple and take my little fox away? Do you really not know?" Jinran's face was gloomy. He was usually cold and aloof, but he was even more frightening when he got angry at this moment.

In Jinran's barrier, only the Emperor of Heaven can enter, except for the little fox. The reason why the Emperor of Heaven can enter freely is because Jinran gave him a divine order, and he can enter and exit his barrier freely with the divine order.

The dying Princess of Heaven hurriedly said: "No... It has nothing to do with my father. I took it without permission. It's all my fault... You let him go."

Jinran snorted coldly, shook off the Emperor of Heaven, and approached the Princess of Heaven step by step.

The Princess of Heaven looked up and looked at the person who was so close to her and so far away: "Why? I have liked you for so long and accompanied you for so many years, why can't I be better than a fox? What's so good about her?"

"You like me, is that the reason you hurt others? Rong'an, you should be glad that the Mother Goddess passed on the inheritance to you, otherwise I will kill you today. The people I want to kill have never escaped from my hands. Do you know why?"

Rong'an's body trembled even more, and it was obvious that she didn't know.

"Because I don't like to leave troubles behind, you'd better not make me regret my choice today, otherwise you will suffer not only the pain you are experiencing now, but also the pain that the people you care about will suffer.

Linchuan Immortal has been with you for several times longer than you have liked me. Everyone in the heaven knows his feelings for you, and you haven't responded to him. Don't expect others to do what you can't do."

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