Besides, the pudding made by the aunt is really delicious, and the sweetness is what she likes, not the kind that is too sweet and makes people dislike it.

"No, I made it specially for you." If it was made for her, his mother would probably put double the sugar.

"Ah?" Wan Ge was still a little confused.

Lu Xingchuan cleared his throat and explained: "I told my parents that I'm in love."

"I see, then I'll find time to visit uncle and aunt?"

"Okay. They will like you very much."

Wan Ge nodded: "That's good."

"But it's not time yet, isn't it almost time for you to perform?" It has been a while since their previous rehearsal, and they are intensively rehearsing these days, and the performance will be the day after tomorrow.

No matter how skilled they are, they must give the best performance, which is the purpose of their orchestra. So even if everyone has cooperated well and almost reached perfection, they still take it seriously.

"Today is the last day of rehearsal, tomorrow is a holiday." This is also the rule of their orchestra. They rest the day before the performance. Only after a good rest will they be energetic for the performance the next day. During the rest period, they can do anything except hurting their hands or getting injured. The key is to protect their hands.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" Lu Xingchuan asked again?

Wan Ge looked at the beautiful scenery of his garden: "I want to stay here for a day."


Wan Ge looked at such a beautiful garden and asked again: "Why don't you build a swing here?"

It's just right to build a swing here in such a beautiful environment.

"Do you like to stay here? Then I'll build one when the time comes."

"Okay, okay."


Wan Ge originally wanted to enjoy a comfortable and quiet day in the sunshine of spring flowers.

But when she went out in the morning, the sunshine was not very good, and it started to rain not long after she arrived at Lu Xingchuan's house.

Spring is always like this. It rains when it wants to. The rain wets the whole garden. Some petals that are about to wither are washed away by the rain and fall all over the ground.

Wan Ge stood in front of the French window and looked out. It was a pity that she had planned to do so. However, it was another feeling to stay in the house when it rained.

It was also quite comfortable. Wan Ge took a step back and accidentally bumped into the piano behind her.

Looking at the grand piano placed by the French window, she asked Lu Xingchuan again: "Can you play it?"

"Well, I learned it when I was young, and I play it occasionally." The piano is not just a decoration here.

"Would you like to talk with me?" Wan Ge invited to play four-hand piano.

Lu Xingchuan agreed, and they sat in front of the piano together. They found the score of the four-hand piano, and the two played the piano together on a rainy day.

After playing two songs, Lu Xingchuan went to get her a drink.

Wan Ge felt that the piano in his house felt very good to play, so he couldn't help but play two more songs. Lu Xingchuan sat on the sofa and said, "I didn't expect you to play the piano so well."

"I learned all kinds of instruments when I was a child. I like piano, violin, guqin and harp more." Some of these four instruments are already perfect, and some can't be said to be top masters, but there are not many people who can compare with them.

Lu Xingchuan chatted while flipping through the newspaper in his hand. Wan Ge played and there was no sound behind him. When he pressed the last key, he turned around and found that the other party had fallen asleep.

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