That’s why he hit someone. Ji Nanhuai didn’t realize that a car was coming. When he reacted, he was already standing there with the ball, at a loss.

At that moment, he was shocked and it was normal for him to not react.

The Ji family couple fully agreed that Wan Ge would take someone to treat him, and said that as long as she said anything, the couple would cooperate.

They all understood that it was difficult to treat Ji Nanhuai’s severe split personality. In addition to taking medicine for a long time, he also needed the cooperation of his family, which would help him recover better.

Finally, after three years, the results were particularly obvious. Ji Nanwang also realized that he had helped two souls. With the company of doctors and family members, and the unswerving care of his lover, Ji Nanhuai slowly let go of his knot.

The Ji Nanwang in his mind will never disappear, but the ‘Ji Nanwang’ in his body is gradually dissipating.

During the three years abroad, Wan Ge also received a message from Xi Wanmu about Wen Qingye and Lu Niannian.

Although Wen Qingye was kicked out of the company, he still had other assets besides the company, and some savings, which was actually much better than the life of an ordinary person.

But Lu Niannian was unwilling to give up. During Wen Qingye's entrepreneurial period, she met another rich second generation, but she didn't know that the other party was a fake, and she was soon confused by the handsome, rich and generous man.

She even took away all of Wen Qingye's entrepreneurial funds for that man.

Those entrepreneurial funds were obtained by Wen Qingye selling some of his property, but he didn't expect that Lu Niannian would give them all to other men.

Wen Qingye was furious at the time, took out a knife and stabbed Lu Niannian several times.

Although Lu Niannian didn't die, she was seriously injured and lying in the hospital. Maybe she would have to spend the rest of her life like this.

And Wen Qingye was sent in for free meals because of attempted murder.

Wan Ge was not particularly surprised when she learned about this, she had guessed it at the time.

Lu Niannian couldn't just accept it. It was too difficult for Wen Qingye to start a new business. Even if he could do it, he would have to wait too long. Lu Niannian would definitely not be able to hold on.

If she hadn't left Wen Qingye, she would have to accompany him to suffer for a long time. If she had left Wen Qingye, the aura of the male and female protagonists was already weak, and it would almost be gone after this separation. In addition, what they had done before would inevitably have retribution.

The current ending is just what they should have endured.

Wan Ge accompanied Ji Nanhuai walking on the street, looking at a beautiful and exquisite embroidered fan. Wan Ge picked it up, looked at it for a few seconds, and then put it down, looking back at Ji Nanhuai: "Let's go back to China and get married."

He is almost well now, and it's time for her to fulfill her promise and return to China.

Ji Nanhuai felt his heart beating very fast, and silently took out a box from his pocket and knelt on one knee on the ground: "Maybe I should say this, Miss Xi, are you willing to marry me?"

At the beginning of the treatment, Ji Nanhuai was actually very worried, but he was worried that Wan Ge would leave him because of his mental illness, but in the end, all his worries turned into nothingness under the company of the other party's hot compress.

Ji Nanhuai believed it, believing that Wan Ge really liked him and would stay with him forever.

Wan Ge smiled and nodded, stretched out his hand and asked him to put on the ring: "I do, then let's go home."


① Day after day of persistence also made me gradually let go.

② I must have never told you that I tried so hard to cure the disease in order to be with you faster.

③ Split personality is cured, so how should love brain be cured? Forget it, let's not treat it, I just want to stick to you forever.

—— Ji Nanhuai

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