When he was rampaging some time ago, he seemed to have met a group of immortal cultivators. He was completely irrational when he was rampaging. He rushed up to the immortal cultivators and injured several of them. It seemed that one of them was particularly seriously injured. It was him!

This, this, this...

Looking at Su Han in front of him, the monster instantly felt guilty. The monster, who had not dared to refuse, dared not speak now.

"Master... Master..."

"Get out." Su Han's fingertips tightened, and the monster did not dare to refute. They did not sign an equal contract, but a master-servant contract. He could not disobey the master's order.

Wange held his hand and said softly: "Ahan, he was the one who hurt you in the first place. Now it is his duty to let him recognize you as his master and serve you. Your Jedi contract makes it obey your orders 100%."

Wange did not kill it at first, but beat it up first, just to vent his anger. Later, he did not kill it because the other party cried for mercy, saying that he could do anything and that he was very useful. Wane thought about it.

Given Su Han's current situation, it would be a good thing if he had such a powerful demon beast to protect him. In addition, it was unknown how long it would take Wan Ge to reshape his spiritual roots. What if he failed to do it for decades?

After signing the contract, Su Han would share his lifespan with the demon beast, at least nothing would happen to Su Han before the demon beast died.

Moreover, according to the contract she set, if the demon beast died due to an accident, Su Han would only terminate the contract with the demon beast. But if Su Han died, the demon beast would really die, so he would protect Su Han at all costs. And he could never hurt Su Han, otherwise he would suffer a great backlash and die immediately.

In addition, Wan Ge investigated that this demon beast would only hurt humans and monks when it was rampaging and lost consciousness.

If there was a contract constraint, even if the other party was rampaging, Su Han could make the other party unable to move with just one word. The master's orders could not be disobeyed, which was the most powerful part of the contract.

"Master..." Su Han always felt that the contract he had signed was not simple. After signing the contract, he felt that his body had improved a lot.

However, since the other party's spiritual roots were destroyed, his cultivation was gone, and he couldn't see, how could he not hate him at this moment?

"Ahan, believe me, I will find a way to reshape your spiritual roots for you." Wan Ge actually knew some ways, but they were all from other worlds and not applicable to this world, so he could only find a new way.

Su Han nodded again: "Master, won't you give up on me?"

Wan Ge was stunned for a moment and didn't expect him to suddenly say such a thing: "Why do you say that? How could the master give up on you? But what gossip did you hear?"

In fact, Wan Ge heard some when she came back, but she felt that the more important thing was to let Su Han sign a contract with the monster, so those gossipers would be dealt with later.

But she didn't expect that Su Han had heard it?

Su Han lowered his head and acquiesced. Yes, everyone was saying that she didn't want him anymore, how could he not hear it?

"Don't think too much. I will never abandon you. I swear." Wan Ge used the Word Spirit when he swore. Su Han had never expected that his master would swear with the Word Spirit for a useless man like him!

Su Han was so shocked that he didn't even know how to respond.

Wan Ge touched his head and said, "You haven't rested well. You look haggard. Take a rest. Leave the rest to me."

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