"May I know who the two Taoist priests are?" Of course, the first person to speak was the head of the family.

At this time, Wan Ge and Su Han took off their hats together, and their stunning looks were revealed at this moment.

To be honest, the couple did not recognize Su Han at first. Su Han's mother was a famous beauty at that time. The Su family had been a wealthy family for several generations, so the wives they married were naturally not ugly. The genes were better from generation to generation, and his father was also very handsome.

Although Su Han was young at that time, he could be seen to be absolutely very good-looking. In addition, because of his cultivation in the immortal sect, he was nourished by spiritual energy on the one hand and cultivated on the other hand, so he looked even more stunning.

But the couple looked more and more familiar, and he came to find their immortal sect disciple on purpose, could it be! ! !

"Han'er?" Mrs. Su was not very sure, and she was very cautious when asking.

Su Han had no intention of not wanting to meet them, and he bowed to his parents directly: "Su Han greets his father and mother."

His parents gave him life and raised him, and it was also this couple who sent him to Wan Ge, so he was naturally grateful.

"It's really Han'er, you've grown up so much, and you look so good." Immortals are better looking than ordinary people because of their spiritual energy and cultivation, not to mention those with good foundation.

"Ahan and I are going to Wenhai, and we thought we would pass by here, so we took him to visit." At the same time, Wan Ge asked the servants to take away the gifts he brought.

In addition to the things he bought, there are also some ordinary pills made by the new outer disciples.

As for why it is ordinary pills made by outer disciples, it is because the ordinary pills made by outer disciples are already panaceas for humans. Some pills are too powerful, and it may not be a good thing for ordinary people to eat them, so the pills made by outer disciples are enough.

Of course, there are also some outer disciples who are very good at refining medicine, so the newly-initiated outer disciples are just right.

When the couple learned that the gifts they brought included elixirs made by the immortal sect, they hurriedly thanked them.

They also welcomed the two to their home, but Mrs. Su still asked: "Who is this fairy who is traveling with you?"

"I am Ahan's Taoist partner." Wan Ge's words were actually correct. The main point is that if the master is not good, they will definitely not accept his idea. So the Taoist partner is the most suitable.

They immediately looked like they had realized it. Perhaps Su Han was still very young at this age for cultivators, but for them, Su Han had been away from them for a long time. His younger brother had already married and had children. If Su Han had not become a disciple, his children might have been studying for several years.

Now seeing that he has a Taoist partner, the couple is also very happy. It is better to have someone accompany him than to live alone forever.

And since he has found a Taoist partner, it can also prove that Su Han is not living a bad life in the immortal sect.

Although they didn’t need to eat, they were not unable to eat. After having dinner with the two elders, Wan Ge said that he wanted to talk to them alone.

Although the couple didn’t know what Wan Ge wanted to talk about, they were sure that he would not harm them. Of course, they were happy to do so.

However, the couple had no impression of the immortals that Wan Ge mentioned. The immortals they knew were from their sect.

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