After sending them all back to the palace, Wan Ge stood alone on the boat, looking at the vast blue sea, and jumped in without thinking.

She made a magic potion that allowed her to breathe freely when entering the seabed, and she didn't have to be afraid of the pressure in the sea.

The sea people usually live in the deep sea. Wan Ge had seen it on the map before. If there really are sea people, they are probably in the place where they are now.

The sea people seem to be more mysterious than the gods. Humans and gods have signed a contract to destroy demons together. Occasionally, gods will come to the human world like the feather tribe, but the sea people have never seen it.

The underworld never participates in these things. Occasionally, they have seen messengers from the underworld, but the mysterious sea people have never heard of it.

If Wan Ge hadn't suddenly fallen into the water and had a fight with the little mermaid, she might not have thought of going into the deep sea to look for the sea people. Oh, mainly to find his little mermaid.

Different fish swam past her. Occasionally, a large and ferocious fish would rush over when they found she was a human, but often they would leave in shame before they could swim to her because they could sense the aura of a strong person on her.

The deeper Wan Ge dived, the more beautiful the scenery became. There were more and more different fish, and the coral reefs in the deep sea looked much more beautiful than those in the shallow sea.

The small fish emerged from the coral and soon returned.

The colorful fish swam past her. It was obvious that she had reached a very deep place, but she still didn't see a single sea creature.

Was the sea too vast and the land too small? Wan Ge expanded her search range, but still didn't feel a single sea creature.

Finally, she was a little tired from swimming, and sat on a coral that looked relatively smooth.

Watching the small fish swimming around in front of her, Wan Ge fell asleep unknowingly.

But this time she didn't dream, perhaps because it wasn't night yet, and she was just in the deep sea, so she couldn't tell the difference between day and night.

When Wan Ge woke up, she found that it was getting harder and harder to breathe. She suddenly realized that she had spent too much time sleeping, and the magic potion was about to lose its effect. She had to return to the surface of the sea now.

She could feel her ears starting to hurt, and the pressure from the bottom of the sea began to take effect on her body.

The ship also had the teleportation array she drew. As long as she changed a teleportation array here, she could be teleported back to the ship immediately.

It was the difficulty in breathing and the pressure that caused her hands to tremble.

Just when she felt that she could not breathe and her ears hurt, a pair of hands covered her ears. The other party quickly swam in front of her and passed oxygen to her while kissing her.

After a brief relief, the beautiful man in front of her took out something like a necklace and put it on her neck.

Wan Ge looked down and saw that it was a scale that was a circle smaller than her palm. It looked particularly beautiful and shone brightly in the deep sea. The blue light of the scale seemed to cover her entire body, but it was also because of this that Wan Ge felt that she could breathe freely again and there was no pressure.

Isn't this beautiful mermaid the one she has been looking for? She knew she would find him here.

When Yitar let go of the mermaid and was about to leave, the woman in front of him hugged him tightly: "I finally found you!"

Yitar paused. Was she looking for her? Didn't she say she was going to find her lover?

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