Yitar nodded: "They bewitched you with their singing, so you fell into the water."

"Impossible! How could a mere siren bewitched me."

Yita continued to explain: "You are very strong, normally you would not be bewitched by them, but you ate their food, so they could easily teach you to speak."

Wan Ge suddenly remembered that when they were about to leave the island, a very cute little girl gave them some fruit. Wan Ge did not feel the strange breath on the little girl at that time, and did not have any defense against such a cute little girl, so she ate it.

"Sirens are good at hiding their breath and are also good at bewitching people. You human girls are not very cautious about women, the elderly and children, and you fell into it without being on guard."

"Damn sirens, I don't know how many sympathetic girls they have bewitched with this method."

Yita really wanted to tell her that it was okay, anyway, he had already eliminated those sirens, but thinking of the bloody scene, Yitar did not say it again, and did not want Wan Ge to know.

"I won't be like this." Yitar told Wan Ge very seriously.

Wan Ge hugged him: "I know, I believe you, but I have something else to tell you."

Wan Ge explained to the other party very seriously how humans treat lovers and wives.

Yitaer didn't know much about this, but he could try.

"Then can I marry you?"

"Yitaer, I want to tell you that I am the queen of humans, do you know?"

Yitaer nodded, he knew it after seeing it.

Wan Ge pinched his ears, which were soft and not as sticky and slippery as imagined, but it was okay. "So if you want to marry me, you have to go back with me, understand?"

"Are you going to leave the sea?" Yitar thought about it, but before Wan Ge could answer, he nodded: "Okay."

The news that Yitar decided to leave the sea spread the next day.

Wan Ge originally did not let the other party succeed, but when she was lying on the same bed, she just touched his tail. I have to say that his tail is really beautiful and feels good to touch.

The next morning, when she was about to leave, the first person who came forward was the octopus that Wan Ge met yesterday. The upper body of the octopus turned into a handsome man, and the lower body had eight legs: "My lord, are you really going to leave? But how can you leave?"

Yitaer still did not speak, but his voice could be accurately heard by every sea creature: "Even if I leave the sea, it will be fine. You stay here with peace of mind. I will bring the queen back in two hundred years."

Two hundred years is not a long time for the sea creatures, and the king's decision cannot be changed by anyone, so the other sea creatures also agreed.

The main thing is that there is no way to disagree.

Yitaer knows the life span of humans, but he does not intend to interfere with the life of ordinary people like Wan Ge. It is just that after two hundred years, he will take Wan Ge away from the human world and return to the sea. At that time, she will only belong to the sea instead of humans.

Wan Ge couldn't hear what Yitar said to other sea creatures, and she realized that it was not a mutual communication, but he could only hear what she said unilaterally, and she could only hear his voice when he wanted to speak. No wonder he didn't do this at the beginning.

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