It's just that Yitar didn't seem to want to free them so quickly, so he chose to do it with his bare hands. He seemed to enjoy the joy of slaughter.

Wan Ge seemed to have met Yitar for the first time. In his impression, he was a mermaid who couldn't speak but was simple and gentle. But at this moment, standing in this abyss, he was more like a devil.

After dealing with all the demons outside, Wan Ge found the formation. Maybe the demons outside moved all the corpses of the demons who died here, and then used a sacrificial resurrection method to revive all these demons.

Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, Wan Ge directly shattered all possibilities. They spent hundreds of years and were easily shattered, and Wan Ge used a special method to burn a raging fire in the abyss. It didn't merge with the sea water, but burned all the corpses of the demons.

Yita followed her obediently. He wanted to reach out but looked down and saw the blood on his hand. In an instant, all the blood on his body merged into the sea water, and his body became clean again.

The abyss is actually all sea water. If Yitar didn't want to be stained by blood, it would be impossible to leave blood stains.

Yitar's hands are now clean, and his nails, which were particularly long, have returned to their original appearance at this moment, round and clean, not very long.

When he wanted to reach out again, perhaps he remembered the scene just now, and silently retracted his hand, and anxiously communicated with Wan Ge in his heart: "I'm sorry, I don't usually do this, I won't hurt others, I'm just a demon."

Wan Ge looked at Yitar in front of him and said: "I just don't understand, you can obviously get rid of them in a very easy way, why do you use this method? And I don't seem to have ever understood your identity."

Why is it such a bloody method.

After a moment of silence, Yitar first chose to answer the question asked by Wan Ge, and continued to speak from his heart: "I am the Lord of the Sea Clan, or the Lord of the Ocean. The people of the Sea Clan will call me Your Majesty, and the God Clan will call me the God of the Sea, but I refuse to have any relationship with the God Clan."

After that, Yitar explained to Wan Ge why he used this method.

Yitar was not actually the God of the Sea, but only the son of the God of Water. At that time, the ocean had no leader, and the Sea Clan had always been oppressed by the Sirens.

Yitar has the best water control ability, and many people say that he can replace his father as the God of Water.

But this kind of words reached his father's ears. His father was very angry and would never allow anyone to challenge his authority, including his son.

He kicked Yitar directly into the Sea Clan. At that time, the gods managed everything, including the ocean, but the chaos of the ocean was abandoned by them.

Yitar suffered too many things in the ocean, and finally tamed the ocean, expelled the Sirens, and finally climbed to the position of the Lord of the Sea Clan. Became the true master of the ocean.

Later, there was a sea god. At that time, demons were rampant. After knowing the sea god, some prayed to the gods of heaven and some prayed to the sea god.

In the deep sea, Yitar heard too many crimes of demons. As time went by, he hated demons more and more, even to a pathological state.

When the three tribes united to kill the demons, Yitar actually participated.

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