One is the eldest grandson, and the other is the most beloved grandson. The old emperor treats both of them very well. It would be a lie to say that he is not sad when the funeral bell rings.

When the two rushed to the palace, the will had been confirmed, and the eldest son of the emperor would be the new emperor. Wei Shengli, who was following Wan Ge, was the prince.

Wan Ge's nominal father had not yet been granted a fief, so he did not have to leave Beijing for the time being.

Everything was settled, and Wan Ge looked at Prince Yin who was playing with birds and flowers.

Since he lost interest in the throne, he had a lot more time. In addition to accompanying the princess, he played chess, played with birds and planted flowers when he had nothing to do.

But Wan Ge knew that this peaceful life would not last long.

Because it would not be long before Prince Yin's "own" daughter would come back.

Yes, she was his own daughter, but she was not. Her body was of the same blood, but her soul was not.

The soul is a time-traveling heroine. The heroine has read a book. The person in the book occupies the identity of Prince Yin's son. It is indeed the heroine in the book. After many things, she finally gets together with the hero.

The heroine thinks that the original owner robbed everything of Prince Yin's daughter. After returning with the body of Prince Yin's daughter, she began a series of revenge on the original owner.

The original owner didn't know these things at all. Except that she didn't want to starve and freeze at the beginning and wanted to survive, she didn't hide anything except that she was a woman. And it didn't take long for the woman's identity to be exposed.

What the heroine didn't know at all was that although the original owner looked like a glorious little prince on the surface, because the prince and the princess knew that she was not a biological daughter, and the original owner was a little beggar at the beginning.

They didn't even treat her as an adopted son. Except in front of outsiders, they usually treated her like a servant.

However, the original owner knew her identity very well, so she didn't have any complaints. For her, being well fed and warm and not freezing to death in winter was the best life.

Moreover, because of her status as a young prince, the original owner could still read and write.

Although studying was boring, the original owner loved studying.

After she became the companion of the crown prince, her life became more comfortable.

She had been with Wei Shengli for a few years. He was a good person and treated her well. Perhaps it was because the original owner and him had a friendship as a companion. If it weren't for the status of a girl, they would have become brothers.

However, because the original owner knew her status, she would sometimes deliberately keep some distance.

After Wan Ge came to this world, she also did what the original owner thought before.

"My lord, there is a woman outside who claims to be your daughter. Do you want to drive her away?" The housekeeper hurried over to report.

Prince Yin waved his hand and was about to ask someone to drive him away, but suddenly he became interested: "Wait a minute, I want to see who dares to pretend to be my daughter."

With Prince Yin's status and position, it is impossible to say that he has never touched others when he was young, but only the princess gave birth to his child.

He wanted to see who was so bold as to claim to be his daughter.

The housekeeper replied that there was actually another reason why he came to report, mainly because the woman looked very similar to the princess.

Prince Yin didn't care at all at first, but he paused when he saw the woman. He turned around and asked someone to invite the princess over.

Because the woman really looked too much like the princess when she was young.

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