She would not allow her life to be taken over by a thief, and she would not allow her good life to become someone else's.

He originally wanted to hold her to the highest place and then let him throw her down hard, but at this moment she suspected that she had gone too far.

Wan Ge just opened the door and saw Yan Yao at the door. Yan Yao looked at Wan Ge with some concern.

"If you have anything to say, let's go to the car and talk." Wan Ge guessed that the person in front of him had probably heard what he just said, but it didn't matter if he heard it.

Yan Yao nodded and followed him back to the car, with some worry in his eyes: "I heard your conversation just now. She insisted that she was the eldest lady... Are you... is what he said true?"

"What she said is true." Wan Ge answered very seriously: "And I knew it a long time ago, to be more precise, I knew it from the beginning."

Yan Yao was slightly stunned: "So you deliberately approached the Mo family."

"It's not considered intentional approaching, isn't it all their initiative?"

They took the initiative to find her, and everything was arranged by Mo Ruoqing.

"So what are you going to do now? Actually, it doesn't matter if you are not in the Mo family, because you still have me. No matter where you are, I will not let you suffer any injustice."

"Don't you have anything else to say? Is it true that you don't care about me at all?"

"I don't care, as long as you are you. In addition, I want to tell you that you are much better than her. I don't care about your identity, because you are already good enough."

Wan Ge had to admit that he spoke very nicely and she loved listening to him.

"Don't you think I am quite scheming? It seems that I am trying every means to get all this."

"Although I don't think you are such a person, if you are really that kind of person, I won't mind, and I can help you do whatever you want."

It is not easy for her to get what she wants. She has the courage to pursue it, so why doesn't he support her as her lover.

"The truth will always be revealed one day. What are you going to do next? But no matter what, as long as you are wronged, you must take the initiative to tell me." Yan Yao spoke again very seriously.

He really couldn't help but think a lot. He was worried about how the Mo family couple would treat Wan Ge after knowing the truth, whether they would hurt her or hate her, and whether Wan Ge would be sad because of it.

But Wan Ge's next words gave him a shot of confidence: "They all know, so you don't have to worry about this problem."

"Wait! You said they all know? The Mo family couple all know, right?"

Wan Ge nodded seriously

"Since they know, why would they do that?"

"To teach my daughter who has always been willful and unruly a lesson, so that she will never do such things again in the future."

Yan Yao probably knew what she said, someone wanted to die and dug a hole for himself, but now he really jumped into the hole and couldn't get out.

Wan Ge also told the Mo family couple long before Mo Ruoqing confessed. At first, of course, the two were unwilling to believe it. After all, they had accepted it and liked Wan Ge's personality and this person.

But now suddenly said that Mo Ruoqing was real, and everything they experienced was real.

The couple looked at Wan Ge and sighed.

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