The Jiang family has always had a residence here, especially when Jiang Si came back more than four years ago, he lived directly in the old house, and the two old houses are also close to each other.

Mr. and Mrs. Jiang chose to live at Wan Ge's place yesterday because they hadn't seen their children for a long time, and they also wanted to get in touch with their daughter-in-law.

Now, the two chose to go back to the old house and take Jiang Si back with them.

When they returned home, there were only three of them. Jiang Si had no intention of hiding anymore. The gentle smile on his face completely disappeared, and his cold and arrogant look was something Wan Ge had never seen before.

"Why didn't you notify me when you came back?" Jiang Si was not very happy, because his parents suddenly appeared and directly disrupted his sister's and his plans. They originally wanted to have a good trip to spend some time alone.

"Isn't it to give you a surprise? What's the matter with that man? Do you need my help?" In fact, Mr. Jiang subconsciously felt that he didn't need to do anything, because with his son's ability, if he wanted to take revenge on Meng Yu, he wouldn't need his help at all. With his ability, Meng Yu was not his opponent at all.

"No need." Jiang Si gently raised his lips. He was just a jumping clown. The other party didn't need to leave the stage yet, so he still needed him.

"Well, make up your mind. I believe you won't be bullied by such a person." In fact, after just meeting once, Mr. Jiang roughly felt what kind of person the other party was.

In addition to the information he got, he could basically guess what kind of person the other party was. He would do anything to achieve his goal. He was a cunning but not deep person.

What Mr. Jiang said here, cunning but not deep means that he wanted to pretend but couldn't.

His emotions were too obvious. It's no wonder that such a person was exposed at the engagement banquet.

Jiang Si hummed again in a cold voice, and his sister said hello and went back to her room.

Mr. Jiang looked at his son with a slight smile on his lips, and felt that his son looked more and more like himself.

Mrs. Jiang looked at all this and just sighed helplessly, stroking her forehead.

The father and son are really exactly the same.

Wan Ge received a message from Jiang Si after taking a bath: [I miss you. It’s only been a short time since we separated. I miss my sister so much. ]

Wan Ge also quickly replied to him with a message: [We live not far from each other. ]

Just when Jiang Si was guessing what he meant by this, Wan Ge continued to send another message: [As long as you want to come, you can come to my door in a few minutes. ]

It means that he can come to her if he misses her.

[I’ll be there soon. ]

After sending the message, Jiang Si went out directly, and didn’t even hear his father calling behind him.

When he arrived at the door of Wan Ge’s house, he saw a familiar figure standing at the door waiting for him.

"Why are you waiting here?" In fact, there was no need for her to come here, nor did he need to issue any orders or notifications.

The security personnel had known Jiang Si for a long time, and he was now free to enter and leave the Li family's old house.

"I want you to see me as soon as possible." Wan Ge's eyes were smiling, and he said this lightly but seriously.

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