"But everyone says that the regent is ruthless, violent, and moody. If the lady cooperates with him, she will jump from one fire pit to another."

Wan Ge laughed when she heard what she said. Looking at Xiao Ning in front of her, she said softly: "Knowing a person is not just based on hearsay. Based on your observation of him in the past two days, do you think he is that kind of person?"

Hearing what Wan Ge said, Xiao Ning was silent for a while. In the past two days, he seemed gentle and elegant. Although it was a little hard to guess his mind, he didn't feel like the kind of person who was unpredictable, cruel and violent.

But what if he is just used to this kind of illusion? He looks harmless on the surface, but he is actually a very scary person.

Wan Ge touched her head to let her rest assured.

In the next half month, the rumors about the prince's love for men became more and more intense.

And Wan Ge stayed in the temple every day, and occasionally went outside the temple with Qin Ji to see the scenery.

Xiao Ning looked at their leisurely life. If she didn't know that the rumors about the prince in Beijing were all caused by the two of them, she would almost think that the two people in front of her were indifferent to the world.

Because of the help, Wan Ge did become very relaxed, and there were people arranged by Qin Ji to help take care of her father and brother, so Wan Ge didn't have to worry about their safety.

Although she had been a vegetarian in Yunguang Temple, she was still very happy.

Until an unexpected person appeared in front of her.

Wan Ge looked at the woman in front of her, a little puzzled: "Why is my cousin here? Shouldn't you be in the prince's mansion at this moment?"

Shu Jiqing looked at her with a very complicated expression, but at this moment he didn't seem to dare to make her angry. He softened his tone and said: "Something happened in Beijing recently, and my cousin the prince asked me to ask my sister-in-law to go back."

When Shu Jiqing said this, there was actually a bit of inquiry in his eyes, as if he wanted to see some different expressions from Wan Ge's expression.

Wan Ge still looked innocent and confused: "What happened in Beijing? Can I trouble you to come to me in person, cousin?"

Shu Jiqing hesitated for a long time and still didn't say it out loud. Finally, he slowly said: "Sister-in-law, you will know when you go back. This matter can't be delayed. Sister-in-law, you should pack up and go back with me!"

Wan Ge glanced at the sky at this moment: "But it's late now, and it looks like it will rain soon. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to go back now."

"Sister-in-law, don't be afraid. I brought a lot of people to protect us. We really can't delay. You should go back with me!" After saying that, he directly told Xiao Ning to pack up.

Xiao Ning was very nervous and looked at Wan Ge, as if waiting for her instructions.

Wan Ge looked at Xiao Ning, who looked worried, and nodded to her. After seeing her young lady nod, Xiao Ning walked into the room where they lived and quickly packed her luggage.

Xiao Ning wanted to ask if they left like this? Don't you need to tell the prince? But you can't say that at this moment. So he was very sensible and shut up, just following Wan Ge silently.

When they left Yunguang Temple, in the pavilion on the mountain, a man stood behind the handsome man in lake blue clothes.

"Your Highness, the princess... Oh no, Miss Jiang has left, do you want me to protect her secretly?"

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