Qin An kicked him off the bed and immediately knelt down on the bed: "Father, someone must want to harm me, please investigate."

"Really? I have a lot of secrets about the prince. I heard that someone was spreading rumors about the prince, so I went to investigate, but I didn't expect to find these."

The emperor glared at Qin Ji, but couldn't help but approach him and whispered: "Can't you give it to me secretly? Now in front of all the ministers, it's not just the prince who is embarrassed."

Qin Ji shook his head, seemingly disagreeing with his statement, and whispered to him: "My brother is wrong, it's at times like this that we can prove that my brother is wise and powerful."

"You!" The emperor felt that he was about to be angry to death. He picked up the things in Qin Ji's hand and looked at them for a few times, and the more he looked at them, the angrier he became. He threw the letter in his hand directly in front of Qin An: "Ridiculous! How can you, the prince, do such a thing? No wonder you have been unwilling to take a concubine for so many years, so that's it!"

"No, father, it's slander, these are all slanders. Someone wants to harm me! Someone must want to harm me. I grew up by your side. Isn't it clear what kind of person I am?" After saying this, Qin An suddenly looked up at Qin Ji, as if to say that the person who harmed him was Qin Ji in front of him.

"Shut up! Your uncle has already found out the facts, and you still want to quibble!" The emperor knew very well that what he held in his hand must be the truth, because Qin Ji didn't bother to frame the prince.

Let alone the prince, even if it was him, Qin Ji could harm him without him knowing.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that he was really powerless. He couldn't do anything about Qin Ji now, and could only watch him monopolize power. From the beginning, he felt that he threatened his position, and now he saw that he disdained his position.

The emperor didn't spend much time with Qin Ji, but because he was afraid, he got to know him and knew everything he did.

This brother, who was almost as old as his son, wanted to replace him. In addition to the Queen Mother's protection, he also had a legitimate reason.

"Come here, the prince is not virtuous. From today, he will be stripped of his position, demoted to a commoner, and exiled to Luzhou."

"Wait a minute, how do you plan to deal with General Jiang's daughter? General Jiang fought for the country all his life, but his daughter married someone like Qin An. Shouldn't you compensate her?"

The emperor was stunned when he heard this. He seemed to understand why Qin Ji intervened in this matter.

Qin Ji and General Jiang had fought together on the frontier and had spent some time together. Perhaps the two had already become friends and brothers. When the prince was rumored to have a homosexual habit, Qin Ji went to investigate the incident.

It turned out that Qin An really had a homosexual habit. He had been treating the Crown Princess as a tool for so many years and had been using her.

He couldn't stand seeing his friend's daughter being bullied like this, so this happened. He originally thought that Qin An's doing this in the harem this time was just a coincidence, but now he doesn't think so. Maybe Qin Ji did it on purpose.

But if the prince is really innocent and has a deep love with the princess, he can't have wronged him on purpose.

After knowing the reason, the emperor was relieved.

He was really worried that Qin Ji suddenly wanted the position of emperor again, so he started with the prince, but if not, he would be relieved. As for the prince, he really did such a thing and should be punished.

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