Wan Ge's voice was still very soft, so that the officers and soldiers standing next to her could not hear what she was saying: "Your Highness, how does it feel to be pointed at by thousands of people? You guessed it right, I put drugs in the wine, just to let everyone know your ugly deeds. Since you dare to do it, why are you afraid of others knowing? I don't want to be a tool anymore."

"Bitch! You are looking for death!" Qin An began to struggle again and wanted to rush over to hit Wan Ge in front of him, but Wan Ge took a step back and looked heartbroken.

At this time, the sound of a slap suddenly rang out. Qin An, who was originally in a furious state, was suddenly slapped. When he looked up again, he saw Shu Jiqing.

Shu Jiqing felt that his hand was still trembling. He looked at Qin An in front of him and stretched out his hand to slap him: "Qin An, we have been childhood sweethearts. I like you so much. Even if you don't like me, you shouldn't do that. You want to find someone to torture me to death. How can you be so terrible!"

"Shu Jiqing... you are back!"

"Yes, I am back. If I hadn't been rescued, I would have been tortured to death. Fortunately, the person who rescued me dealt with those people in advance and faked the scene of me being tortured to death. Now I I have returned to the Shu family.

Your Majesty and your aunt have already known your crimes. Your Majesty hopes that you will be exiled for life and never return to the capital. You should stay in that bitter cold place and live alone for the rest of your life. "

After that, she whispered to him: "In addition, Qin An, I have arranged everything in Luzhou. Don't worry, I will never let you have an easy life."

Yes, Shu Jiqing returned home. When she first returned home, her family was scared and thought she had resurrected. Later, they found out that it was not her daughter who resurrected.

Shu Jiqing did not say that she was saved by Wan Ge and Qin Ji, but said that she was saved by kind people, and also said who wanted to harm her.

When Lord Shu first heard that it was the prince who wanted to harm his daughter, he subconsciously denied it, thinking it was impossible. The prince was her cousin and she was childhood sweethearts. They had such a good relationship. How could the prince want to kill her?

But Shu Jiqing couldn't say anything. She swore a poisonous oath and told her father with certainty that it was the prince who did it.

She also told him the reason. Because she accidentally discovered that the prince had an affair with another man, the prince had been hurting her, abusing her and even wanted her dead.

After Lord Shu knew the whole truth, he was furious and immediately sent someone to Luzhou to take care of everything. At the same time, he also went to the palace and told his sister what kind of person Qin An was.

The queen didn't believe it at first. Qin An was her son. How could she not know what kind of person he was?

But Wan Ge's particularly hesitant face suddenly appeared in her mind. She seemed to want to tell herself that the prince was really as unbearable as the rumors said, but how could she admit that her child really had a love affair with Long Yang?

And because of this matter, he wanted to kill her niece. The queen was hit again and fainted in her bedroom again.

After the queen fainted, Lord Shu went directly to the emperor and explained the matter. The emperor, who was already furious, became even more angry after hearing this. He slammed the table and increased the punishment for the former prince.

In this way, Qin An was not only exiled, but also was not allowed to return to the capital for life, and had to be whipped every day. In other words, there was no hope. Originally, it was just exile, maybe he could have fought again and let the emperor have sympathy for him again.

Then he found an appropriate excuse to overturn his original good things, but now he had no chance at all, and the place he went to was arranged separately. There was no one around him. Even if he wanted to do something to re-arrange, he had no manpower to do it.

Shu Jiqing felt more and more angry as he thought about it. He stretched out his hand again and slapped Qin An hard. Qin An's face instantly became red and swollen, but even so, Shu Jiqing still felt very angry. Those things that hurt him were still vivid in her mind. She was afraid that she would never forget them in this life.

Finally, the time came. The soldiers asked Shu Jiqing to calm down, and then took Qin An away. After all, the place they were going to was a long way, and they had to escort him there on time, so they couldn't waste any more time. They took Qin An and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Qin An finally turned his head, his eyes full of resentment and unwillingness, as if he could live with them, but it was more like saying: You wait, sooner or later, all the pain I am suffering now will be repaid to him tenfold or a hundredfold.

Evening SongI don't know where the other party got the confidence from. After all, in this situation, the other party has nothing at all, and it is impossible for him to flutter again...

No! Wan Ge suddenly remembered that she seemed to have forgotten some important person. She seemed to have forgotten another important role, that is, the man who made the original owner's life miserable in the later period.

The person who made her particularly miserable in the future was not only the one who was taken away at this moment, but Qin An also made her particularly miserable.

Wan Ge suddenly felt a headache. Although she didn't know whether the two of them were mixed together, at this moment Qin An was so confident that it could be confirmed that no matter whether they were mixed together, the other person would definitely avenge him.

No, no! Wan Ge felt that he had to take some action, otherwise he didn't know what he would suffer next.

After leaving the city gate, he clarified two rumors at the same time. The first one was the rumor that the former prince and the former princess were deeply in love and did not regret their love.

In fact, the two had not slept together for two years after their marriage. It was not that the Crown Princess was not good. She was still a virgin. There would be no problem if she married someone else in the future.

Another rumor was that Miss Shu was abused to death. Miss Shu was saved by a good person and she did not suffer any harm. She was still innocent and was also worthy of marriage.

Thinking about it this way, the former Crown Prince really deserved to die. How could he abuse two girls, and they were two such good girls who loved him so deeply before. It was too much!

In addition to the people in the capital, people in other places also knew about this matter. So every time Qin An went to a place, someone would deliberately go to the road where he was exiled to observe and throw rotten eggs at him.

Qin An went from not caring at first to being uneasy later, fearing that someone would suddenly appear and throw rotten eggs at him.

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