At the same time, a cold and low voice sounded: "Who said no one dares to marry her? I will marry her."

When this sentence came out, including the emperor who came with General Jiang, they were stunned.

Under the dumbfounded eyes of everyone, Qin Ji slowly said: "Tomorrow, this king will send a betrothal gift to ask for Miss Jiang's hand in marriage."

The emperor who was watching the battle on the side couldn't sit still, and immediately stepped forward, walked to his side and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Xiao Jiu, what are you kidding, you want to marry her?"

Qin Ji raised his head and looked at the other person coldly, and then slowly said: "When have I ever lied to my brother?"

The emperor thought at first that although he didn't have a particularly good relationship with the regent, he was still his younger brother and he represented the face of the royal family.

However, after thinking about it for a while, although Wan Ge was good in every aspect, after all, she had been married before, and her reputation was definitely not as good as before.

The regent married a woman with a damaged reputation, which was a good thing for him to keep the throne. He shouldn't have stopped this.

After thinking it through, the emperor said again: "Since you have made up your mind, my brother will not stop you."

After that, he smiled again and said in a voice that everyone present could hear: "The Regent and Miss Jiang are in love, so today I will grant them a marriage."

Some ministers around the emperor wanted to say that it was inappropriate, but they were killed by Qin Ji's eyes. So in the end, no one spoke again.

As soon as Wan Ge came out, she heard the news that she was granted a marriage, and the person she was granted was the Regent.

To be honest, after the prince was deposed, Qin Ji did not mention anything about their relationship. Although they met occasionally, Wan Ge looked at him and thought about whether he was going to treat her as a friend.

Good guy, as soon as the original owner's father came back, he gave her such a news directly.

Xiao Ning was not surprised at all about this matter. After all, the prince's thoughts about the lady were too obvious. Others didn't know, but she had been with the lady all the time, how could she not know?

It was great. Xiao Ning had heard too many gossips in the past three months, and he was almost angry. Now there was finally good news.

He wanted to see how those who said that about his young lady would be slapped in the face. His young lady not only found a good home, but also married the regent of the current dynasty. He was so envious of those people.

Although the regent was born different, he was different from the evildoers in the past dynasties. Their current unique regent was a sign of good fortune. He could feel that the young lady would definitely be very happy in the future.

Xiao Ning didn't have many other wishes. It was good enough for the young lady to be happy.

"Miss, you are so nice. Let's see who dares to say that to you in the future."

Wan Ge smiled helplessly and reached out to touch the head of the little girl in front of him: "Don't care so much about what others say."

Xiao Ning snorted: "But I just can't get angry. I don't like them saying that to you. Obviously, our Miss is very nice, but they don't understand at all."

After saying this, Xiao Ning remembered something: "By the way, Miss, the weather is cooler. I'll go get you a cloak."

Xiao Ning just turned around and bumped into someone coming towards her. The man in gorgeous clothes reached out and touched Xiao Ning.

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