My name is Qin Yun, and I am the third son of the emperor. My mother was once the apple of my father's eye. My father particularly loved my mother, and everyone could feel it.

But my mother's health was not very good, and the imperial physician's repeated treatment was fruitless.

After my mother gave birth to me, her health became worse. But my mother often told me that the thing she regretted least was choosing to give birth to me.

She said that I was her sun and the best thing she had done in her life.

I once heard from the nanny that my mother's parents didn't love her, and that it was her sister who should have entered the palace that year instead of her.

But her sister had a lover, and once she entered the palace, it was like entering the sea. Even if she didn't have a lover, her sister didn't want to enter the palace, so her parents let her enter the palace instead of her sister.

And my mother used to be in good health, but the maids in my grandfather's house felt that my mother was not favored. In the cold winter days at the end of the year, they withheld my mother's charcoal fire, causing my mother to almost freeze to death. Fortunately, she was finally discovered.

Although my mother didn't freeze to death, she also had a chronic illness and her body was not as healthy as before. Although the servants dared not to be harsh on her, she was still not loved by her parents.

When I first heard about this, I was ignorant and asked my mother: "Why doesn't my mother hate them? Don't you hate them?"

At that time, my mother held him gently in her arms: "It's not that my mother doesn't hate them, but she doesn't hate them because hatred will make a person suffer. I let them go because I want to let myself go and not let myself live in the pain of hatred. In addition, after all, they raised me and I can grow up like this."

When they asked her to enter the palace as a condition to repay them, the concubine knew that she would not owe them anything in the future.

Perhaps it was because of the influence of my mother in my childhood that I didn't hate my father. I knew that my father was blaming me, and I also knew that he just liked my mother too much, so I didn't hate him even more, because my mother was really a very good person.

However, after my mother passed away, I went to another empress's palace. Although the queen didn't treat me harshly, she wasn't nice to me either.

She wanted to use me to win favor, but she didn't know that the emperor didn't want to see me again, because seeing me again would remind him of my mother.

I lived in a loveless environment, except for the maids and nurses in the queen's palace who looked coldly at me but dared not do anything. The rest was endless schoolwork.

Just when I felt very tired, just when I wanted to leave with my mother. I met a very cute little girl.

The little girl's eyes were red, as if she had cried. She said that she followed her young lady into the palace, and she just wanted to get a cloak for her young lady, but got lost.

I told the little girl where the banquet was. The little girl smiled instantly, took out several pieces of maltose from her pocket and put them in his hand. "Thank you, brother. Don't be unhappy. This is the candy that the young lady gave me. I'll give it all to you."

"You gave me all, so what will you do?"

The little girl still had a happy smile on her face: "It doesn't matter. There will still be more. As long as I want it, even if the young lady doesn't give it to me, I can earn money to buy it. What's more, my young lady is very nice, she will give it to me again."

Will everything that is lost be found again?


Well, today, more than ten years later, looking at the woman lying next to me, he once again felt the warmth of having his loved ones again.

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