As soon as Wan Ge finished speaking, a guard picked up the broken lotus cake from the ground and immediately presented it to His Majesty.

The evidence was irrefutable, and the emperor became even angrier. Although this prince was not favored, he was still his son and the nominal prince after all. He did not abolish his title, and he was still his ninth prince.

How dare these cunning slaves do such a thing? How abominable!

"Come on, drag these cunning slaves down and beat them to death." The palace maids and eunuchs kneeling on the ground did not dare to speak anymore. The evidence was irrefutable, and they could only accept the facts with a dead heart, but their eyes were still full of resentment when they fell on Wan Ge.

But Wan Ge did not care. As Meng Po, there were many people who were unwilling to drink Meng Po soup. Some chose to sink into the River of Oblivion and not drink it, but some who stopped at the River of Oblivion still drank it. It was just that whether they drank Meng Po soup voluntarily or were forced to drink it in the end, they all showed such eyes to her. What kind of people had not been seen in the underworld for two thousand years.

So Wan Ge did not care about such eyes. At first, Wan Ge was only worried about whether the lives of several people had ended, because those who had not yet ended could not die, otherwise it would bring burdens to the underworld and disrupt many orders.

However, at that moment, she opened her eyes and saw that their lives had ended, so she didn't say much.

Then she set her eyes on Chu Yuezhao. In fact, she didn't know whether her behavior this time was good or bad.

It was just that she couldn't bear to see that Yuezhao was bullied like this and was destined to be killed by the newly enthroned emperor, so she decided to get him out of the cold palace first.

The first half of his life was extremely miserable. Later, the new emperor ascended the throne on a bloody road. All the descendants of the previous emperor were beheaded, including Chu Yuezhao who had been in the cold palace.

Even though Chu Yuezhao was an ordinary person with no power and no influence, who could not stir up any waves, the new emperor still killed him to avoid any eventuality.

Of course, in addition to this inevitable ending, Yuezhao became the unpopular ninth prince after reincarnating as a mortal.

He nearly froze to death several times in the cold palace, and nearly died of illness more than a dozen times. In the end, he survived with a weak desire to survive.

In fact, in the end, he felt that dying of illness would be a kind of relief, but before he died of illness, the new emperor took the throne and killed him.

The more Wan Ge thought about it, the more she felt sorry for the person in front of her. How could he live such a miserable life?

Wan Ge didn't know where her heartache came from. She had been Meng Po for so long and had seen so many sufferings in the world. She shouldn't have any feelings about these things, but at this moment, she felt extremely sorry for the child in front of her.

Wan Ge also knew that if he appeared in the eyes of the emperor again, some people might feel a little bit of crisis. But Chu Yuezhao's mother's family had been basically wiped out. Even if he really entered the emperor's eyes again, he would not pose a threat to most people.

Wan Ge could only take a gamble, but no matter what, since she chose to pull him out, she must have been prepared to protect him.

Chu Yuezhao left the cold palace, yes. This move made the emperor see his son again, but he did not record him under the name of any concubine.

Instead, he had the palace prepared again and selected a group of people to take care of him. He did not choose a new mother for him, and also did not want him to have any power behind him.

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