Seeing the other person like this, Wan Ge said again: "However, Miss Meng's obsession has not disappeared. If I can successfully complete the task this time, the underworld can let her return to the human world, and you can renew your relationship."

"Really?" After hearing what Wan Ge said, the prince regained hope in his eyes.

Then he soon felt something was wrong: "I told you that you are here to protect my ninth brother. After you protect him, my sister Ge'er and I..."

Can they really see each other again? What about renewing the relationship? If his sister Ge'er really died, it would be enough to see her again. The prince is actually willing to help with this favor.

However, he can't help in vain, he wants to see his sister Ge'er.

"I don't need to stay here forever. I just need to protect the Ninth Prince until he reaches the age of twenty. When he reaches the age of twenty, it will be the time for me to leave."

The prince thought about it. His Ninth Brother is now eight years old. It will take twelve years to wait until he reaches the age of twenty. Twelve years will give him the opportunity to see his lover again and renew his relationship with his beloved: "Okay. What do you want me to do?"

"Protect the Ninth Prince with me."

"No problem, but if you dare to lie to me, I will not let you go, no matter where you are."

"Okay. When you reach the age of twenty, I can also give you a gift."

The prince is now fourteen years old, and when he reaches the age of twenty, it will be six years later.

Meng Yuzhou didn't know what his elder sister said. He didn't believe what his elder sister said before that the Prince would not misunderstand him again after tomorrow.

But after they met the next day, the prince took better care of the Ninth Prince.

When the queen saw the prince do this at first, she was actually dissatisfied. The prince is protecting him and taking care of him. Does he know who Chu Yuezhao is?

Although Chu Yuezhao's mother's family has completely lost its power, there are many people who were taken care of by his mother's family. Although many people have distanced themselves from the relationship when Concubine Yue was raided, in fact, there are still people who have not let go for so many years.

Once Chu Yuezhao is too prominent, it may not be a threat to the queen.

Chu Yuezhao was praised many times not long after he went to the Imperial College, and the queen really had to worry.

"Why are you so close to your ninth brother?" How could the queen not understand her son? His son is not a bloodthirsty and cruel person, but under the gentle skin, he also has a high heart and will never yield to anyone.

This is what she has taught the prince for so many years. She has always thought that she has taught well and is very satisfied with it, but the prince did something she didn't expect.

The prince bowed obediently and answered: "My ninth brother lost his mother at a young age and has been treated harshly in the cold palace. I want to treat him better. After all, he is my brother. He suffered so much in his previous life. I hope he can live a better life in the future."

When the queen was about to speak, a very satisfied voice came from the door: "Good, very good. You are worthy of being my prince. I knew that the prince is not a cold-blooded person."

The emperor has always been very satisfied with the prince, but it is common for brothers to kill each other when they become emperors.

In order to ensure that he can ascend the throne smoothly, his father did not hesitate to kill his own son, and his brother died in front of him.

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