As soon as Wan Ge got off work, she was taken away by Li Xing.

Wan Ge fell asleep directly on the bed in the other party's aircraft.

Li Xing stretched out his hand and fell directly on her skin, and saw the dark circles under her eyes. Was she so tired? His mother was really, why did she arrange so much work for her?

Li Xing sent a message to his subordinates, wanting to know what Wan Ge was busy with recently.

The aircraft was autopilot, the speed was very stable, and the safety was also very high, so Li Xing did not need to control the aircraft, but stayed directly beside Wan Ge.

Looking at his quiet sleeping face, Li Xing almost couldn't help but become crazy: [Why is my wife so beautiful? Oh my God, I want to watch her for a lifetime, and I always feel that a lifetime is not enough. My wife must be my wife in the next life.

It's just... my wife is so cold to me, I'm a little sad, but it doesn't matter, as long as my wife has a little place for me in her heart, that's enough.

My wife agreed to marry me, so she must like me to some extent. Otherwise, why didn't she choose me instead of others?

I don't know how many backups my wife has. Should I find them out quickly? What if they threaten my position as the main wife in the future? No, my wife's favorite person can only be me. 】

Wan Ge and Li Xing arrived at a house that looked like a greenhouse. Why do I say that? The house was built in the middle of a sea of ​​flowers, but a sea of ​​flowers cannot exist in the normal air of the interstellar.

So there is such a greenhouse. As long as the greenhouse is big enough, it is not difficult to build a house like this.

For the vast majority... oh no, for all human beings, being able to see such a sea of ​​flowers again, such a beautiful house and the sea of ​​flowers together, it feels like entering a painting.

The word sea of ​​flowers is not applicable to the interstellar at this moment, because they rarely see flowers, let alone a sea of ​​flowers.

Li Xing took her hand and led her into the house. If nothing unexpected happened, this must be just one of His Highness's industries.

The layout of the house is also very beautiful, and with the faint view of the sea of ​​flowers outside the window, the whole house looks even more beautiful.

However, at this moment, in addition to the beautiful decoration of the house and the beautiful sea of ​​flowers outside, there is another thing.

The room is full of wedding dresses, of various colors and styles, some in line with the current time and some retro.

Li Xing said with a smile: "Do you want to carefully choose a wedding dress? See which ones you like more."

Wan Ge pointed to a wedding dress casually as if she didn't care at all, and Li Xing saw her whole reaction.

At that moment, I felt that my confidence was greatly hit.

Does my wife really not like him at all? Does she really not care about his affairs at all?

Oh, to be more precise, she doesn't care about the things between him and her. She doesn't care about things that have nothing to do with her.

Li Xing's eyes were red with anger at that moment, but he still tried to calm himself down and tried not to be affected by this: "General, why don't you pick a few more?"

Wan Ge looked back at him, and then said: "That wedding dress is designed by Mr. RS, it's very beautiful."

"So General Luo saw it when he came in?"

Wan Ge nodded to indicate yes: "Among the pile of dresses, it is indeed very eye-catching."

"Then why don't you take a look at the others? Many of them are designed by other masters. I think you will like them, and some of them are new employees, but they are very capable and should not disappoint you."

"As long as you like it." Wan Ge's voice was cold, but...

[ At this moment, my wife's voice is colder than my heart. She really doesn't like me. She just treats me as a tool for marriage. Woohoo~]

Wan Ge glanced at the other person indifferently, and the other person replied indifferently: "Okay."

Wan Ge looked at his indifferent expression and said, "Then your highness, take your time to choose. I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

[Wife... is leaving now? She obviously has nothing to do. Is she impatient with me? Forget it...]

Li Xing wanted to chase her out, but he finally held back. Then he carefully picked a wedding dress for Wan Ge.

Wan Ge, who was outside the door, listened to his heartfelt voice of carefully choosing a wedding dress for herself. He evaluated each dress and silently opened the door.

Li Xing didn't expect the other party to come back. He was slightly stunned for a moment, and his heart was extremely surprised. The corners of his calm face couldn't be suppressed.

Wan Ge returned to him again.

Li Xing coughed lightly and said, "Why did the general...Are you back?"

"I think it's better for me to choose a wedding dress with you. Are there any corresponding sets for men's wear for these styles?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes. "

After the selection, Li Xing sent the people home, but when they said goodbye, Wan Ge suddenly came forward and hugged him.

Li Xing's heart made another sharp explosion!!!

My wife hugged me, my wife took the initiative to hug me.

The wedding of the two was extremely grand, but the expressions on the faces of each guest were a little weird.

If it was an ordinary marriage, it was said that His Highness participated in the entire wedding arrangement, but were they getting married?

Even though they had seen such a scene at the engagement ceremony, the guests were still very complicated when they saw it again. It was rare for a marriage to be like this.

Under the witness of the entire galaxy, they successfully completed the wedding, but Li Xing was a little nervous sitting on the bed.

Wan Ge lay down on the bed directly after taking a shower. Looking at Li Xing who was always sitting beside him, he slowly said: "Go to sleep. "

Then Li Xing saw his wife, pulled the quilt, and went to sleep.

Although they lived a long life, they were educated very early in some aspects. Li Xing certainly knew what normal couples should do, but when he saw that Wan Ge seemed to have no idea, he still lay down obediently and did nothing.

Wan Ge listened to his lost voice, hid in the quilt and laughed, making him seem to be indifferent every day. If it weren't for some of his behaviors that were consistent with his inner thoughts, Wan Ge would even doubt whether hearing his voice was just an illusion.

The two had been married for a month and lay in the same bed every day, but that was all. There was no hugging, no kissing, and no doing what should be done.

As if they were just tools for sleeping together, Wan Ge often went out early and came back late, while Li Xing didn't seem to be very busy.

In fact, after getting married, the Queen's power was delegated more. Although Li Xing had not yet completely ascended to the throne, almost the entire galaxy was under his control.

According to reason, he should be very busy, but every time Wan Ge came home, he sat quietly in the living room with a book in his hand, and the whole state They both looked very relaxed.

In fact, Li Xing finished his work every day before going home. During this process, he never rested for a minute, just to go home early and see the person he wanted to see earlier.

It was just that he had to wait until very late every day to see each other.

However, every time Wan Ge came home, he still sat in the living room for a long time, as if he was just reading there, not waiting for her to come back.

There was no warm words between them, no expression of mutual affection. Most of the time when Wan Ge came home, she would go to bed after taking a bath.

And the other party was also quiet, only feeling a little sad every day, wondering why she came home so late, and wondering why he hadn't said a few words to his wife.

Wange has been busy with a lot of things recently, such as the strange beasts that his parents had wiped out a hundred years ago suddenly appeared and gathered not far away. She has been preparing for this recently. Tomorrow she will go to the front line to wipe out these strange beasts again.

At noon on the day when Wane set out, Li Xing looked at the things in his hand, and his face darkened: "Why did you tell me about the general's going to wipe out the strange beasts after he set out?"

Li Xing's subordinates were stunned for a moment: "Ah? Your Highness doesn't know? This matter was discussed by His Majesty and the general. Didn't Jiang Jun tell you? ”

Aren’t they husband and wife? The subordinates were dumbfounded when they were such a strange couple.

Wang Ge actually wanted to tell Li Xing last night. When she just got home, she was too tired to talk at all, and he was still concentrating on reading. She thought she would tell him after taking a bath.

But when he came out of the bath, he lay on the bed, and his mind was still moving. Wan Ge knew at that moment that he was pretending to sleep.

So she said to him: "Your Highness, I have something to tell you."

But after saying this, the other party still didn't respond, and his mind was: [What does my wife want to tell me? No! I don't want to listen.]

So in the end, Wan Ge still didn't tell her that she was going to exterminate the alien beast.

Li Xing appeared directly in front of her mother, looked at her and said: "How could you let her go to exterminate the alien beast alone? Why didn't you discuss this with me?"

The queen raised her eyebrows and said in confusion: "You don't know? "

After that, he sighed: "I thought you knew that. Besides, she didn't go alone. He is a general and he has many subordinates.There are many warriors in the interstellar world who follow her. How can she be considered alone? Don't talk nonsense. "

Li Xing clenched his hands tightly at his side. Yes, she didn't even know that he was her husband.

The queen sighed again: "What's wrong with you two? Is there really nothing wrong with the way you get along? He didn't even tell you such a thing. "

Let alone that the other party is her husband, another point is that they are monarchs and subjects. Li Xing is a prince and the next king, but he didn't even know. Wan Ge didn't tell him, is there something wrong with this way of getting along?

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