Seeing this situation, Qu Yueqing said with some surprise: "Sister, are you pregnant?"

Ye Wang was stunned when she heard this, and Wan Ge also heard this, but her brows were furrowed. She and Ye Wang did have intimate actions, but she never did this when she was pregnant, and she felt very uncomfortable recently. It was hard to say that she was a little uncomfortable, and she was prone to abdominal pain.

When the test report of advanced gastric cancer came out, Wan Ge and Ye Wang's faces changed.

The team that examined Wan Ge was the most sophisticated team, and the equipment used was also the most sophisticated, so there was absolutely no possibility of error.

Wan Ge may have been in a body with a short life, but that was always a phenomenon, not suddenly like now, and Ruan Ruan did not detect any abnormality before. This happened when she was not here recently.

She was very healthy in her annual physical examinations, so how could she suddenly be in the advanced stage.

But Wan Ge also knew that her health was declining too fast, and there must be something wrong.

At this moment, Ye Wang heard a few words countless times: "People like you will never be happy."

"Why can you have the happiness that I can't have?"

"Just wait, your good days won't last long."

Ye Wang's hands hanging by his side were clenched tightly. If he really didn't deserve a happy life, then punish him. Why? Why was Wan Ge the one who got sick? She didn't do anything wrong. She has always been so good. Why treat her like this?

Not long after Wan Ge returned home with the medical examination report, Xu Tingshi called her and told her about Zuo Yitang's recent situation.

Zuo Yitang has been going smoothly no matter what he does recently. All the projects he has signed for cooperation have made money. He is so lucky that he can pick a stone of top quality.

After understanding the situation, Wan Ge thought about her current situation. It was probably the protagonist's halo that worked. If it was really like this, it would be troublesome.

Sure enough, she would not suddenly get sick for no reason. That's it.

"Sister, are you still listening?" Xu Tingshi's voice came from the other end of the phone again.

Wan Ge came back to his senses, but he was thinking again: If Zuo Yitang knew that Xu Tingshi had been targeting him, Xu Tingshi might be in trouble, even though Xu Tingshi was with the heroine at this moment.

So Wan Ge asked him not to get close to Zuo Yitang for the time being. Although Xu Tingshi was a little confused about why, he would listen to what Wan Ge said, and he also obediently replied that he understood.

After hanging up the phone, Wan Ge finally contacted Ruan Ruan. Looking at the system that really appeared in front of him, he asked it directly: "Ruan Ruan, is my current physical condition because I am with the villain? Is it because my appearance hindered the hero's path?"

Ruan Ruan answered obediently: "Sir, you didn't actually hinder the hero's path, except for the fact that the heroine was robbed. Your current physical condition is indeed related to the villain. The way of heaven does not allow villains to have a good ending."

Wan Ge looked up at Ruan Ruan: "Xiao Wang has not made any mistakes now. He has been lonely since childhood and can't live a good life. Is such a way of heaven worthy of being called the way of heaven?"

Ruan Ruan was also very angry and answered: "I have negotiated with the way of heaven in this world, but the way of heaven in this world says that hemp ropes only break at the thinnest, and suffering only picks on the miserable people. It is normal. As a villain, he can't have a good ending."

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