"Wange, I can't hold on any longer. How come this forest is so big? How long have we walked? Why haven't we seen the end yet?" A girl next to Wane said with red eyes.

"Why did Ruanruan travel to another world?" Wane was still communicating with Ruanruan at this moment.

This was the first time that Wane encountered such a situation. She had arrived in an ordinary small world, but she didn't expect to travel to another world on the way back to China by plane.

The plane crashed into the sea accidentally. As a result, when it crashed into the sea, Wane felt a strange force, and then pulled them into this world.

The girl next to her also inexplicably had the aura of the protagonist.

They didn't know each other, but Wane happened to sit next to her on the way back, and then they traveled to this other world together, and the two knew each other because of this.

Ruanruan's data was finally loaded at this time. Looking at the plot in her hand, Ruanruan directly passed it to Wane: "My Lord has received the plot."

After receiving the plot, Wane knew what was going on. It turned out that this was a book about traveling to another world. The one next to her is the heroine. Maybe because she sat with the heroine, or maybe she was supposed to be a supporting role, she traveled with the heroine.

They traveled to a very ancient world together. There was no brilliant civilization, and even no words appeared, only special languages ​​and symbols.

And this is not an ordinary world, because the people living here are not humans, but orcs.

Wan Ge was a little surprised that she traveled to the world of beasts. It was probably because she rarely encountered them.

I just don’t know if I will meet the villain or miss the villain if I travel this way.

She also doesn’t know whether the villain is in the original world or this world.

The original world also has a hero and a hero. She originally wanted to return to China to find the villain, but she didn’t expect to meet the heroine of this world, which led to her following the heroine of this world to come here.

There is not much description about the plot. It’s probably that the heroine traveled to another world, and then met the orc hero. The two fell in love and then he?

There is also little background in this world. It is known that they have different powers and can switch between the two forms of orcs and beasts at will.

“Since you are tired, let’s take a break.”

Wan Ge found a rock for the other person to sit on for a while, and then wanted to look for some food around. It was also necessary to replenish water.

The heroine nodded obediently and told her not to run away.

She didn’t know how the plane crashed, and she only met Wan Ge, and she didn’t meet anyone else on the plane.

Now there are only the two of them, and only Wan Ge can give her some sense of security.

Wan Ge asked her to call him if she felt anything strange, and then went into the jungle.

But Wan Ge didn’t expect that when he came back after finding food and water, there was no one on the rock. Wan Ge called the heroine’s name but no one responded.

His heart skipped a beat, but soon calmed down again.

Originally, he was worried that the other party would be in danger, but after calming down a little, he thought that the other party was the heroine, so there should be no problem. Maybe she met the heroine by chance.

But... the situation is complicated now, should he go find someone?

At present, Wan Ge does not feel that there is any problem with the main storyline of this world, and he is afraid that he will interfere with the main storyline.

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