The other party obviously saw Qi Zhi who was with Wan Ge just now, and gestured to tell the other party not to get close to him.

But they are not of the same tribe, and have never met before. There is no mutual communication between their languages, so he doesn't know how to tell Wan Ge not to get close to him.

Wan Ge looked at the other party scratching his head and was very anxious. He used the other party's communication method to talk to the other party, but it was obviously still very unfamiliar and could only barely communicate: "Do you want to tell me not to associate with him?"

After all, even if Wan Ge knew it, she couldn't show it so obviously.

Seeing her somewhat lame communication method, the other party was a little surprised that she had understood their communication method so quickly.

The other party nodded, indicating that he meant that.

And Wan Ge asked him why.

The other party replied: "He is a half-beast, a symbol of bad luck, and a representative of uselessness. It's better for you not to get close to him."

The other party saw that Wan Ge looked a little confused, and knew that there were some difficult words that she didn't understand, and scratched his head again, not knowing how to tell her.

Only when she thoroughly understands their language and communication methods can I tell her clearly.

So I can only helplessly express that you should not get too close to him.

Wan Ge actually understood, so she couldn't help but frowned, not understanding why her little villain became an ominous symbol.

And Wan Ge has also witnessed his ability, and it is definitely not what they say that he has no ability.

It's just that the little villain seems to be very shy, or very afraid of others. Seeing that she always avoids others, how should I approach her?

A few days have passed, and Wan Ge has not seen Qi Zhi.

But Wan Ge can clearly feel that he has been near her for a few days since she saw him here.

His breath seems to be hidden very well, and no one has noticed it at all, but he doesn't show his face to let her see him.

Wan Ge made new food, left a portion for Ye Jiaojiao, and then went to a place where there was no one and left a portion for Qi Zhi.

Qi Zhi appeared after Wan Ge left. She had been preparing food for him for the past two days. He had eaten the food she cooked and it was especially delicious.

Because Wan Ge and Ye Jiaojiao improved their weapons, taught them how to make traps, and made better bows and arrows, the probability of them being able to catch prey increased sharply.

So the food the two girls got would be more and better than others. As for how they used it, no one else knew.

In a week, Wan Ge also learned about the terrain of this place. There was a sea not too far to the south, so Wan Ge made salt by drying and evaporating impurities to purify the salt water.

At that time, Ye Jiaojiao was helping on the side, and it really felt that Wan Ge had survived in the wilderness.

Qi Zhi appeared cautiously after watching the other party leave. When he was about to leave with the food, he felt the other party's breath again. He was a little confused when he saw the other party appear.

Wan Ge smiled at him again and said, "I caught you."

Qi Zhi didn't know what she was talking about, and instantly became alert again. He silently put the food in his hand back. Seeing him turn around and walk away, Wan Ge hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed his hand.

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