Seeing Wan Ge still puzzled, Ye Jiaojiao approached her and whispered in her ear what happened.

It turned out that Yun Cang wanted to take it one step further with her a few days ago. In this place, if you can see each other's eyes and spend some time together, you can actually do more intimate things and hold a ceremony, then they will be partners in everyone's eyes.

Ye Jiaojiao didn't know at first, so when the other party wanted to take it one step further, Ye Jiaojiao felt that the other party was too frivolous and too much.

Later, I found out that Yun Cang had been with me for more than half a month, which was not very fast.

Some people who saw each other's eyes held a ceremony in less than a week.

But it was still too fast for Ye Jiaojiao, and she didn't know whether she could go home.

At first, Ye Jiaojiao didn't want to be involved with anyone. At that time, she was still thinking about going home, but how many people in time-travel novels can go home? So when Yun Cang approached step by step, she couldn't help but be moved. On the one hand, she told herself that she was going home and shouldn't contact him, and on the other hand, she said it didn't matter, and it might not be suitable to get along with him.

In Ye Jiaojiao's eyes, they were not an engaged couple, but just spent more time with people they liked. They didn't even hug each other, but they stayed together more often.

But she didn't expect that their tribe would get married so quickly from knowing each other, which scared Ye Jiaojiao all of a sudden.

She thought they were still in the stage of getting along, but the other party already regarded her as his fiancée.

Wan Ge knew that they couldn't go back. After all, Ye Jiaojiao was the heroine of this world. Even if she didn't end up with Yun Qing, the fate involved made her destined that she was inseparable from this world and it was impossible for her to go back.

But as for whether to be with Yun Cang, Wan Ge felt that she could really think about it seriously and not do things that would make her regret.

"Wan Ge, do you think we can go home?" Since they were talking about such things, Ye Jiaojiao asked this question again.

In fact, she was not as calm as she is now. She still wanted to go home after such a long time.

If there was no Wan Ge by her side, she would have collapsed long ago. Because she is here, although her life is a little harder than her original life, it is not particularly hard.

Because the other party gave her spiritual support and material support, Ye Jiaojiao did not feel wronged, but was more puzzled about how she came here.

She had never dared to ask Wan Ge before, in fact, she was afraid that they would collapse together.

Wan Ge did not answer her question directly, but asked her a question in return: "Why do you want to go back? Is it because the conditions here are not good?"

Ye Jiaojiao shook her head, looked at Wan Ge in front of her and answered: "Because my parents, my family and friends, they are still waiting for me to go home."

Before boarding the plane, she also sent a message to her mother, but now perhaps they are missing in that world, or they are on the list of people who fell to death.

Before she completely lost consciousness, Ye Jiaojiao still remembered that the plane was very bumpy, and vaguely heard that they were in danger of falling to death.

When she first woke up on the island, she really thought they were lucky.

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