When Wan Ge stretched out her hand, she could feel the burning heat. It was obvious that this power was repelling her.

This situation surprised Wan Ge a little. There was actually spiritual power repelling her, but she just didn't sense the relationship with her soul.

That's not right... Since I can sense it, it should also be able to sense me. But why does it still repel me?

If I really want to use this power, I must get its approval, otherwise I can't use this power.

At this moment, Qi Zhi is in front of me, and I can't do anything.

Wan Ge didn't want to hide it from him. The main reason was that if she didn't know the situation, she was worried that she would get hurt. Qi Zhi would definitely not be able to see her injured. It's hard to say what he would do at that time, so Wan Ge didn't do anything.

She seemed to be here to visit. After watching for a while, she left the cave with Qi Zhi.

The scenery here is still good. They have already climbed so high, and Qi Zhi carried Wan Ge to the top of the mountain.

The scenery on the top of the mountain is really beautiful. This mountain should be the highest mountain nearby.

Standing on this peak, you will have a feeling of being on top of the world and overlooking all the other mountains.

There are tall trees here, most of which only have leaves and branches. Except for some wild fruits that bloom in spring, you can hardly see any flowering trees in this place.

But even so, the scenery here is still unique.

Qi Zhi stood quietly beside her, looking at her with his beautiful eyes without blinking.

Wan Ge was looking at the scenery, and for Qi Zhi, she was the most beautiful scenery. At this moment, Qi Zhi was thinking: his partner is so beautiful.

Yes, Qi Zhi has completely regarded her as his partner.

In the darkness, he never wanted to see the light, but his light appeared in front of him again and again. If he didn't catch this beam of light, he would definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

However, after catching the light, he could not let it go, so Wan Ge would be his partner, and only his partner.

If others want to compete or Wan Ge falls in love with someone else, they can only wait until he dies.

Wan Ge didn't know what the man in front of her was thinking. She just wanted to hold his hand and see the scenery with him.

Before dark, Qi Zhi sent Wan Ge back to Yun Qing's tribe.

Apart from Qi Zhi's hidden ability, Yun Qing's tribe couldn't compare with him. Maybe it had something to do with his body.

Wan Ge actually guessed that Qi Zhi was a cat. His ears and tail were quite similar, and his temperament was somewhat similar.

Wan Ge kissed him on the face again, and then waved goodbye to him.

Qi Zhi had never waved goodbye, but he understood what she meant, so he did the same thing.

When Wan Ge returned home, Ye Jiaojiao hadn't come back yet. She went out with Yun Cang early in the morning.

Wan Ge knew that Yun Cang wanted to do something for the tribe before leaving.

Yun Cang's parents passed away when he was very young. He was raised by his brother and the tribe. He had a deep gratitude for his brother and the tribe.

So I want to do my best to contribute to the tribe before leaving.

Wan Ge thinks it's good. A man with feelings and righteousness is just right for the little heroine.

Yun Qing didn't know that his brother wanted to leave, but he supported him in contributing to the tribe.

When Yun Qing was feeling that his brother had finally grown up, his brother had already planned to run away.

Wan Ge glanced at Ye Jiaojiao who was sleeping quietly, and then sneaked out. After confirming that the little villain was not around him, he used the spiritual power of the bracelet to draw a teleportation array.

Soon he came to the foot of the mountain where the spirit stone was located. When he stretched out his hand to touch the barrier, he was directly bounced back.

Fortunately, she was a person without spiritual power at this moment, otherwise the spiritual power's counter-injury would definitely cause her serious injuries.

Wan Ge got up from the ground, patted the dust on her body, and fell into deep thought while looking at the barrier in front of her.

According to the current situation, she couldn't get in without Qi Zhi, but if she brought Qi Zhi with her, she didn't know if it would work, and whether it would hurt him.

"Ruan Ruan, can you find out the source of that spiritual stone?" That spiritual stone should be a product of this world, but it actually rejected her, so it must be very complicated.

"My Lord, I will try my best." Ruan Ruan answered obediently. She was not sure whether she could find it, but she was willing to do her best for her Lord.

"It's so hard."

Wan Ge went there just to confirm whether the barrier was rejecting her. Now that she had confirmed it, she could leave.

She drew the teleport reply and instantly teleported back.tribe, back to the vicinity of his home.

For the next month, Wan Ge was figuring out the source of the spirit stones and how to use them for himself. At the same time, he helped Yun Qing gain higher prestige in the tribe.

The higher the shouts of Yun Qing in the tribe, the more obvious his male protagonist aura can be felt.

The more obvious the male protagonist aura is, the more Wan Ge's guess is correct. The stronger Yun Qing's influence is, the stronger his aura is. Of course, only one tribe should not be enough.

Wan Ge will not let people start a war. It is not something she can do to actively hurt other people's lives.

But if this tribe is better, there will be more people coming to join and learn, and naturally some people will stay or some people will be willing to cooperate with them to achieve a win-win situation.

Although basically every tribe is based on race, there are precedents. Some weaker races will join stronger races, on the one hand for a better living environment, and on the other hand for protection.

In the eyes of the Yunqing tribe, Yunqing is getting better and better, and his younger brother Yuncang is working harder for the tribe.

Yuncang has been working for the tribe since he became an adult. In fact, the tribesmen have seen it, but Yuncang is doing more now than before.

With the help of his younger brother, Yunqing has a higher prestige in the tribe.

The tribe leader also intends to pass the position to him. On the one hand, Yunqing is doing better and better, and on the other hand, he also feels that he is getting older. Because they are orcs, their lives will be longer, but he is really old and there are some things that he can't do.

Rather than being driven out of the position of tribe leader, it is better to hand it over to someone he trusts now.

The tribe leader has no requirements for Yunqing, but just hopes that he can take care of his daughter.

The tribe leader's daughter is the little tail behind Yunqing, his fiancée in Ye Jiaojiao's mouth-Qinuo.

Yun Qing listened to the words of the clan leader asking him to take care of his daughter, but his eyes fell on the tail that was slightly exposed at the door.

A little girl was eavesdropping, and she hadn't hidden her tail yet. Yun Qing walked slowly towards the girl with some helplessness in his eyes.

Holding the girl's hand, he stood in front of the clan leader and said to the clan leader: "My mother once told Arnold's mother that I would be partners with Arnold in the future. Now Arnold and I have reached the right age. I hope the clan leader uncle can make it happen."

The clan leader was slightly stunned. In fact, he could see that Yun Qing didn't like his daughter before. Now he suddenly mentioned this...

The clan leader was silent for a moment, looking at the happiness in his daughter's eyes that was about to overflow. He was a little helpless, sighed and said to Yun Qing: "I don't mean to ask you to marry her, I just hope you can take care of her, even if it's like a brother."

Forced marriage is not happy. Even if his daughter will feel sad because of what he said, the clan leader still feels that he has to say it. He doesn't want the two children to be unhappy in the future.

Yun Qing was slightly stunned. Seeing the somewhat sad expression of the tribe leader, he seemed to understand something and said to the tribe leader seriously: "It's true that I want to marry Arnold. I will only have her as a partner in my life, and I will love her forever. I swear to the beast god that I will never break my promise, otherwise all disasters will befall me."

Yun Qing didn't like Qinuo before, and he treated her as a sister. Later, he met Ye Jiaojiao and Wan Ge.

When he met Ye Jiaojiao, it was because he saw such a beautiful person with delicate skin and tender flesh for the first time. He was shocked by her beauty at once, and there was a moment of heartbeat at that moment.

But after contacting each other later, the other party only thanked him, and he also slowly felt that the other party was different from what he imagined. She distanced herself from him and he also slowly distanced himself from him.

Liking Wan Ge is also a kind of admiration for the strong. I think she is very powerful and different. People as powerful as her should stand by my side and make this tribe better with me.

In fact, they later made the tribe better together, and he also confirmed that his love for Wan Ge was not true love.

Rather than being a partner, such a powerful person is better as a partner. They cooperated perfectly when contributing to the tribe.

It's just that she said she planned to leave the tribe after a while, and she didn't want people to know that she was helping him, so on the surface, those contributions were made by him.

Although Yun Qing didn't want to take all the credit, since it was something Wan Ge didn't want to do, he couldn't say anything.

But what he can confirm is that Wan Ge and him are only suitable to be friends.

When did Yun Qing have feelings for Qinuo?? When working with Wan Ge, Yun Qing took out the things that Wan Ge made and ate them, and then gave them to Qinuo.

When Wan Ge made some beautiful fabrics, Yun Qing chose Qinuo's favorite color and planned to make clothes for her.

When she was in danger, Yun Qing was always the first to stand in front of her.

It was when Wan Ge told him: "Look, you actually care about her. You used to think you liked me, but you didn't understand me at all. But you know her preferences very well. When you are in danger, people will always subconsciously protect the people they care about the most. From the beginning, you care about her."

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