This world has the Way of Heaven, but the Way of Heaven in this world is useless. The one who really controls this world is the Beast God, and the Beast God in this world is Qi Zhi.

"What's going on?" Wan Ge was confused.

"Master, save me!" Ruan Ruan spoke pitifully, struggling hard in Qi Zhi's hand, trying to get closer to Wan Ge.

"Qi Zhi, can you let it go?" Wan Ge set his eyes on the Beast God, and his beautiful eyes looked at him.

Qi Zhi threw Ruan Ruan in his hand and approached Wan Ge directly: "You are a capturer, so you don't want to leave because I am your capture target?"

As the manager of this world, Qi Zhi certainly knows a lot of things that others don't know, and has also encountered many capturers who have traveled through time and space.

But he didn't expect that someone's capture target is himself. He thought she was really so loyal to him. The moment he recovered his body, Qi Zhi felt the power in her body and realized that he was wrong. He thought she loved him deeply, but it turned out to be a lie. She only stayed because of the strategy. Her so-called love was a lie to him.

Wan Ge looked at him and slowly said, "So you think I am a strategist? I came here to capture you?"

"What else?"

"If you must say so, then just take it as it is."

To be honest, Wan Ge did not think of falling in love with him in the first world. The redemption system is not only to make the target of the strategy feel loved, but also to make them no longer despair of life.

It's just that the other party may be because she is his soul, or maybe she really fell in love with her through getting along, so that the two of them fell in love with each other in the end.

But before that, Wan Ge wanted to help him, not to bind him with love, and even more did not want to deceive him with love.

There are indeed many strategists who will let the other party fall in love with her to achieve their goals. The success rate is very high, but there are also failed examples.

Some failed examples are how much the other party loved her at the time, and how cruel he was to her later.

"So you really never liked me, right?" Your goal is to complete the mission, you don't love me?

Wan Ge just looked at him, silent for a moment before speaking: "Qi Zhi, don't you have any feelings?"

Did she lie to him, and couldn't she feel whether he liked him or not?

Qi Zhi's eyes were slightly red: "I just want one word from you?"

Even if it was a lie, as long as she said she loved him, he would believe it.

"Qi Zhi, are you a fool? If I just wanted to deceive your feelings, why would I care about Ye Jiaojiao? Are you too unconfident in yourself?

If my goal is just to capture you, then what are those arrows I was hit with? Don't you know what the death of a capturer means in the mission world?

Do you still think that I knew your identity as the Beast God from the beginning?"

Wan Ge really didn't know that the other party was the Beast God. Although he felt that his world was not an ordinary half-beast, he never thought that he was the Beast God, and the Beast God who controlled the entire world.

No wonder I always felt that his identity was not right, no wonder I could not use my power in this world, so that's why.

It was because of him that Wan Ge could not use his power in this world.

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