Once, a young lady he treated fell in love with him because of his appearance, which caused him trouble. After that, he kept wearing a mask and only took it off when he was not treating patients.

Looking at the other person's delicate face and quiet sleeping face, Wan Ge's heart moved, and he lowered his head and kissed him on the forehead.

After the kiss, he saw that the other person opened his eyes, and there was a smile on the corners of his lips.

Ah Ci stretched out his hand and floated directly on her beautiful face: "Wan Wan, you have lost your memory, and our identities are also very different. I didn't want to do anything beyond the rules, but... I really can't stop my heart moving for you."

When the other person has lost her memory and has no relatives, telling him that he likes her and doing something he shouldn't do to her, isn't that bullying her?

But... he really couldn't help but be moved. The more they get along, the more he likes her. He feels that this moment will always like her more than the previous moment.

Today she took the initiative to kiss him, and he really can't control himself.

Wan Ge smiled at his words, leaned down, and kissed him directly on the lips.

She was a quick learner, and even though she had lost her memory, one month was enough for her to understand a lot of things.

She knew what love was, and what it should be like between lovers.

She didn't sense that she had no master, so she was free and could do whatever she wanted.

She thought she really liked Ah Ci. Although the sword spirit was supposed to be heartless and not understand love, she just felt that she liked him. If she liked him, she shouldn't hesitate so much.

At the critical moment, Ah Ci urgently stopped: "No, you and I are not married yet, we shouldn't do this."

"Then let's get married." Wan Ge's beautiful eyes became a little more blurred.

Ah Ci felt that she was like him, and she liked him. So he was in a particularly good mood.

"Are you really willing to marry me? But your memory..."

"I am willing. I think feelings will not lie. I am free without any contract with others. I can marry you. I will not regret it now. Since I have promised you, even if I recover my memory one day, I will not regret everything I said to you today."

"Okay, let's get married."


After Ah Ci said that, he quickly prepared for the wedding. The wedding was quite grand. People from the whole village came to congratulate him.

The village chief looked at Ah Ci with a face full of relief. He was really happy that Ah Ci appeared in their village. He was good-looking, sensible and obedient since he was a child.

Although he ate at a hundred families, he would help their families do something on the day he ate at their home.

When he looked seven years old, he often listened to children reading outside the private school. The village chief discussed with the teacher and allowed him a place to listen in.

He had a good memory. Basically, he could remember what the teacher said once. When he was a child, he had no money to buy pens and ink, so he would practice calligraphy on the ground with branches.

The teacher allowed him to look through his books, and he saw the medical books, which opened his path to study medicine.

Without a master to teach, everyone was not so reassured at first. Later, a child had an emergency, and it was Aci who saved the child's life with the knowledge he had learned, so the villagers began to believe in his ability.

Later, a famous doctor in the town took a fancy to his qualifications and invited him to study in the town for a few more years.

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