Wan Ge once asked him a question. He said that with his personality, why did he help Ah Ci at that time?

He is the God of War in Heaven. He doesn't look like a fierce and evil person. But after experiencing too much killing, his temperament is not gentle and elegant. Even if he looks like a white-faced scholar in a human storybook, he has been stained with too much blood and is almost numb to life. An ordinary person is really nothing.

Why is that? As Ying Cizhou, he couldn't give an answer to himself, but as Jun Ci, he found the answer.

Whether it was the God Clan many years ago or the current Xiuxian Sect, when Jun Ci was mentioned, everyone thought of the invincible God of War in Heaven.

But no one knew his past before he became the God of War, and no one knew what he had experienced.

Before his first breakthrough, although he was a God Clan, he was unknown because his ability was too weak. Even if he had infinite life, his strength was no different from that of an ordinary person.

Given his situation at the time, if he had not been bullied, it would have been fine. If someone really wanted him dead, he would have no power to resist. He was a god but was like an ant.

He tried his best to practice, but was disappointed again and again.

During a certain attack by the demons, he fell to the ground like an ant.

At that moment, he thought that maybe he should not stand up again. His parents had long been disappointed with him and had given up on him, and maybe he should give up on himself.

When the monster's foot was about to step on his back, only the sound of swords was heard. Then came a nice female voice: "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Jun Ci opened his eyes and saw a little girl. The little girl seemed to be younger than him, very cute, without a smile on her face, but there was always a very warm feeling.

She reached out to him, carefully helped him up, and took him to a safe place.

Before she left, she gave him a sword manual and told him that it didn't matter if he couldn't beat the demons now, and she believed that he would be able to do it one day.

Later, he found out that the other party was a sword spirit of a sword made by the Sword God.

The Sword God felt a little tired of facing a bunch of powerful weapons. He wanted to give life to these swords. After many attempts, he finally succeeded.

He gave life to several swords made of Nine Mysterious Spirit Iron, and made them have sword spirits, but the sword spirits did not seem to have so many emotions and were always cold.

Because the sword made by the Sword God was very strong, the little girl was also very strong. So it was easy to bring him home safely.

From that moment on, Jun Ci cheered up again. He wanted to become a very powerful god. As long as he could become a very powerful god, he would be qualified to ask the Sword God for a weapon. He wanted her.

Finally, after a hundred years of hard practice, and his talent seemed to gradually emerge, he was no longer so mediocre.

In a competition of the God Clan, he won the first prize. At this time, his parents who had abandoned him began to care for him again.

Jun Ci knew what they were thinking, but he would not expose it, nor did he want to, because he still needed the protection of the Father and Mother Gods, and he also wanted to get more resources from them, so that he could go further.

So they used each other for a thousand years until he stood at a very high position in the God Clan.

He got the sword he had been thinking about from the Sword God. The Sword God asked the reason, and knew why he chose the Zhaoye Sword, and then told him that the Zhaoye Sword was not completely built at that time, and it was only after tempering that it was fully grown.

It was just that after tempering, maybe he didn't remember saving him at all.

Jun Ci didn't care whether she remembered it or not. He thought that even if the other party didn't temper it, maybe she wouldn't remember him, and he didn't need her to remember those past events.

Jun Ci was really excited to see her again after the contract was signed.

After tempering, she looked exactly like an adult, and she was very, very similar to her when she was a child.

The Sword God said that the appearance of the sword spirit is randomly transformed without any reference, but after the contract is signed, it is very likely to grow into what the master wants.

But... at this moment, she is what Jun Ci wants most. He thinks that in the long life ahead, he will never be alone again.

Recalling this, I can answer that question.

Why help Ah Ci?

Because the weak Jun Ci, like Ah Ci, is isolated and helpless like an ant. He is helpless in the face of what he loves.

At that time, Wan Ge's appearance saved his broken life. It gave him the courage to face his life again, and finally pulled himself out of the quagmire with his own efforts.

Facing his former self again, he alsoShe chose to help herself.

[Wan Ge Extra]

When she woke up as a sword spirit, she had no memory. The person who created her told her that she was a sword spirit and her lifelong meaning was to accompany her master to uphold justice.

When she asked him if he was her master, he said that he was not her master and she would meet his master.

The gods and demons have always been particularly unpeaceful. One side of the demons attacked and even hit the temple. At that time, she had not signed a contract with anyone, but as long as the sword god allowed it, they would not fall asleep. So he and his brothers and sisters who were created with him helped rescue some weaker gods in the gods.

At that time, she saw Jun Ci who almost died at the feet of the monster, and she went over to chop the monster without thinking.

His divine power was weak, and he really didn't even have the ability to protect himself, but it didn't matter that his divine power was weak. She had many suitable sword manuals. As long as he could have a sword, his swordsmanship could also protect himself.

So he gave him a sword manual and told him that it didn't matter if he couldn't win now.

After returning, the Sword God was very satisfied with their performance. The Sword God said that they had to be tempered to be truly complete and they could become better sword spirits.

They all thought that they would lose their memories after tempering, even if they didn't. The boy in his memory has completely transformed and he has become an outstanding god.

She accompanied him to win one game after another and killed one demon after another. In the end, he became the god of war in heaven with his super magic power. They went to the battlefield more often.

He became more and more gentle and kind to her. When he saw that her sword was damaged, his eyes would be red and he would want to send her back to the Sword God so that she could heal her wounds and not go to the battlefield.

But protecting him on the battlefield was her mission. She couldn't understand his feelings for her. She just wanted to accompany him and make a useful sword.

[Jinming Extra]

The Fuming Sword was a sword made by the Sword God with the best materials, and Jinming was also the first sword spirit to awaken.

The Sword God originally wanted to give him to the God of War at that time. At that time, Jun Ci was not the God of War yet, and the God of War was someone else.

But the God of War refused, because the God of War had a sword that he had used for a long time.

However, the God of War said that he could give it to his daughter. The daughter of the God of War is the best among the new gods. Zhejiang has not encountered a suitable artifact, and the Fuming Sword happened to come to the door, so why not make a covenant with his daughter.

The God of War said that he was worried that he would die on the battlefield soon after the great loss of spiritual power again and again.

The wife of the God of War never opened her eyes again in order to save the God of War on a certain battlefield. He felt that his destination would also be there.

It's just that his daughter is still young, and he is not so sure about her, so he desperately comes back from the battlefield again and again.

Now if the Fuming Sword can become his daughter's artifact, he can also be more at ease.

The Sword God and the God of War are good friends. The Sword God also likes the daughter of the God of War very much. He has always treated this little niece as his own daughter, and of course he agrees.

Fu Mingjian has no objection. He was originally created by the Sword God and should listen to the Sword God. After seeing the little girl, he can feel that she is also very powerful. It is normal for the sword spirit to admire the strong. Of course, he is willing to meet a powerful master.

Just as the God of War thought, he had fallen before the little girl was fully grown up.

After the father god left, the little girl practiced harder, and he and her also won many games. Until the time of competing for the title of God of War, he lost to the owner of Zhaoye Sword. It’s just that the relationship between the two swords is very good, and the relationship between the two masters is also good, and there is no rift because of this.

They are still very good friends, going to the battlefield together and practicing together. Even many people think that they should be together, but they didn’t expect that the two gods fell in love with their sword spirits.

The sword spirit has no feelings, but every time I see her so passionately in love, I always have a strange feeling.

So when she asked him if he wanted to have feelings, he nodded. Maybe he also wanted to feel what joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness were like, and wanted to know what she felt when she said she liked him.

Perhaps she had made a perfect plan, and the process of growing love was not uncomfortable, and the pain was not even one-tenth of the tempering.

After having love, he understood what love was. Later, they fell in love for thousands of years, and he said that she would marry him after the war between gods and demons was over.

Unfortunately, they could not wait for that day. In the last war between gods and demons, they perished together with the demons, and all the gods fell. His lover died forever on the battlefield, just like his parents.

The moment he fell into the sinking sword pool, Jinming thought that maybe it would be like this forever.So sinking together is like living and dying together.

He never thought that one day he was revived by someone, and the sword spirit of Zhaoye Sword, Wan Ge, was the same as him.

He sometimes envied Wan Ge, who had no feelings and did not understand the pain of losing a lover.

After he could stop following his master, he wanted to be a sword spirit who would escape forever, but unexpectedly met her reincarnation. Just one glance, that familiar feeling, he would never forget.

Later he learned that before the last battle, the God of War Jun Ci asked for a soul gathering device in the ancestral temple, and all the gods who went to the battlefield left a wisp of soul in it. If they died together, the wisp of soul in the soul gathering device would slowly gather the other souls together, and then re-enter the cycle of reincarnation.

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