"Like you? My brother is probably joking. This marriage was requested by Ge'er and I. We love each other. My brother said that the Crown Princess likes you. Are you kidding?"

Feng Chenjiu lowered his head, looked at the person in front of him, and warned in a low voice: "My brother should weigh his words. If you destroy the Crown Princess's innocence, I will make you pay the price."

"Why are you here? You shouldn't come back at this time. Could it be that you?" Feng Yimu's face suddenly turned pale, and he suddenly remembered something. Could it be that he was also reborn like himself?

No wonder, no wonder this life is completely different from the last life. I thought it was just because I didn't fight for it...

I originally thought that I had no idea about that position, and I would not have any intersection with him in this life. Whether he came back early or not would not make any difference to him, but now...

Now he not only came back early, but many dangerous things he encountered in his previous life will not happen again, and he also robbed the person he loved most.

"My brother is not too stupid."

"You know that she liked me and married me in her last life, so why do you want to be with her?"

Feng Chenjiu snorted coldly: "What if I just want to steal your things? My mother died because of your mother. Why do you think you can live a peaceful life?"

"My mother has been beaten to death by His Majesty. Isn't that enough? It was an accident that she climbed into bed. My mother could have left the palace." She always told him that she was almost free.

"Hehe, why do you think your mother was beaten to death?" Feng Chenjiu waved his hand, signaling others to throw Feng Yimu out.

Feng Yimu looked at Feng Chenjiu turning away, and a doubt arose in his mind, so why was his mother beaten to death?

Judging from his reaction, it seems that there was another reason for his mother's death.

On the other side, Feng Chenjiu clenched his hands tightly. If his mother hadn't felt that his father only favored one person, they would not have had the possibility of ascending to the throne if the queen hadn't died.

Because she knew about her, the queen had a miscarriage, so she had no position after giving birth to the prince. No position means that she can still be bullied.

Thinking back to when she tried her best, she really climbed the dragon bed. This time she tried again. She didn't want to never get ahead. She didn't want to be out of favor forever because she had a son.

She looked for many opportunities and finally found a chronic poison. The silver needle couldn't detect it, and there was no effect at the beginning. After taking it for several years, she would eventually die of physical deficiency.

In the end, the queen died, but she didn't expect the emperor to be so angry, and she didn't expect that what she did would be discovered and she was eventually beaten to death.

She planned for a lifetime, but in the end she ended up with a tragic death. She just wanted to live a life of superiority. She didn't want to live a life that others could humiliate at will. What's wrong?

There was nothing wrong with her wanting to live a better life, but she killed the queen, so what was wrong with Feng Chenjiu wanting revenge?

While Feng Yimu had someone investigate what happened back then, he also climbed over the wall into Wan Ge's courtyard.

Wan Ge looked at Feng Yimu climbing over the wall. What's wrong with these princes? Why do they like climbing over the wall so much? Should he make his own courtyard wall higher?

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