Shao Qingan thought the girl in front of him was really good, but unfortunately, he had someone in his heart. Although he knew that he should let go, he couldn't let go for the time being. He shouldn't restrict the girl in front of him, let alone let her life go to waste.

Their agreement came too hastily, and they didn't meet the best of each other at the best time.

But at this moment, the two of them were still facing the scene of their families urging them to get married. Their fantasies were shattered, but they had to continue to deal with their families. If the other party didn't mind, Shao Qingan was willing.

Liu Menggui also knew that she had no choice. The other party's promise was really touching, but she ruined her life because of the promise in her last life, so of course she would be more cautious in this life and would not completely believe it.

Liu Menggui replied: "Okay, then our engagement will continue."


So there was the scene today.

Wan Ge also saw that there was no love between them, but the tacit understanding between the two, which also made her understand that the two were voluntary.

So even if she saw it, Wan Ge didn't say anything. To be honest, the two of them are quite suitable for each other. Maybe they will really like each other after getting along with each other, and Shao Qingan will really like Liu Menggui.

Wan Ge hopes that they can really like each other and have a wonderful life, just like she and Feng Chenjiu.

Originally they were cooperating, but they really fell in love with each other.

Liu Menggui is not a woman who is easily blinded by love. She also learned from Feng Chenjiu the reason why she cooperated with Feng Yimu in the first place.

She was also surprised to find that she was the only stupid person and the only one who was in love. It was embarrassing to say.

On the way back to the East Palace, Wan Ge suddenly remembered the person who assassinated her at the wedding.

When Feng Chenjiu looked at her at that time, Wan Ge judged that he must know that person: "By the way, you haven't told me, who was the woman who wanted to kill me at our wedding? Was she your old lover?"

Otherwise, why did he want to kill her so much? Wan Ge believed that except for killing a family in the previous life because of love, she would not make enemies with others!

It must be someone who loves Feng Chenjiu. She is dressed as a palace maid, otherwise she couldn't have mixed into the crowd and gotten so close to her.

Could it be that person who loves the prince deeply? Seeing that he can't get her, he wants to destroy her? But the desperate look in her eyes at that time didn't seem like...

Feng Chenjiu smiled and said, "Is the Crown Princess jealous?"

"Tell me, who is she?" Wan Ge snorted, as if she would be angry if he didn't tell her.

Seeing her like this, Feng Chenjiu quickly said, "She is not my old lover, but your ex-husband's."

"Ah?" Wan Ge was confused.

"In the previous life, this woman accidentally helped Feng Yimu and became the white moonlight in his heart. He wanted to be a captain because of that woman.

So he took advantage of your family's affairs to become the emperor, and used the Liu family to eliminate your family's power. After stabilizing it, he found an excuse to eliminate the Liu family and finally married that woman as the queen."

"Why didn't he look for that woman when he came back in this life?"

Feng Chenjiu replied: "Because that woman betrayed him. That's why he thinks you are so important."

Wan Ge understood that Feng Yimu had been preparing for half his life, but in the end, he ended up in a situation where no one loved him and he really became a lonely man. So he took advantage of the good of this woman who only cared about him.

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