Bai Yi even had the idea of ​​not wanting to tell his family, because he knew that if he told them, his family would definitely send someone to keep a close eye on him.

He wanted a moment of peace and freedom, so he rented a house with cash, and hadn't decided when to tell his family.

However, when he set out, he told his family that he was going out, and when he arrived, he also reported that he was safe, but he didn't tell them where he was at the moment.

"I saw you fainted and fell into the river on Qingyu Street. Do you live in Qingyu Street now?"

Bai Yi nodded.

Wan Ge looked excited: "That's really great. In fact, I haven't been here for a long time. I've been here for about a month, and I should live here for half a year to a year.

Most of the people here are uncles and aunts, or children. It's rare to see people of my age. It's great to meet you."

Bai Yi didn't know why, listening to the other party's excited and happy tone, looking at the other party who seemed to be really happy, he didn't say no even though he didn't like to contact people.

"By the way, I live at No. 52. Which one do you live at?" Wan Ge asked in a gentle tone. The sunlight from the window poured in. Bai Yi looked at the person in front of him, like an angel who saved him.

Bai Yi replied in a low and gentle voice: "I live at No. 61, very close to you." It was about four or five hundred meters away.

After Bai Yi woke up, he took a break, then paid his medical expenses and left the hospital with Wan Ge.

While sitting in Wan Ge's car, Bai Yi looked at the woman who was concentrating on driving in front of him and began to be curious about her identity.

Wan Ge first took the person back to his residence. When he opened the door, he saw a Chinese-style courtyard. At this moment, it was full of flowers. It can be seen that the owner of this courtyard is very attentive and has made it very beautiful.

It can also be seen that the owner here should be worth a lot. In addition to the materials of the building and the layout of the courtyard, the varieties of flowers and plants planted and the porcelain items placed can all be felt.

A place like this should not be an ordinary rental place.

Wan Ge introduced him: "This is my home. This is the house that my grandmother left for my mother. My mother gave the house to me after I became an adult. Usually, someone will come to clean it up. Normally, I live alone."

Wan Ge invited the other party into the living room. After letting Bai Yi sit down, she brewed a pot of flower tea for him. At the same time, she also took out very delicate cakes and put a lot of different fruits in another basket.

"You can taste it. This is the flower tea I made myself, and some small cakes. When I have nothing to do, I will sit in the yard, brew a pot of tea, and feel the breeze and fragrance of flowers. When it rains, I will listen to the rain in the house."

Bai Yi looked at the many paintings in the living room, and they were all from the same hand: "Are you a painter?"

Wan Ge set his eyes on the painting, and then nodded: "I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Qu Wan Ge. I usually paint some paintings and make a little money."

"My name is Bai Yi." Bai Yi finally remembered to introduce himself to her.

Wan Ge laughed out loud: "Nice to meet you."

Bai Yi stayed at her house for the whole afternoon. He didn't know why he just wanted to get close to her. He stayed there for the whole afternoon and was ready to go home when it was getting late.

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