Because he resisted eating, there was no food in the house he was living in. The only food he could eat was boiled water and nutritional supplements.

The kitchen was just a decoration. He didn't buy anything at all. There were no dishes or chopsticks.

The only food at this moment was the cake made by Wan Ge for him. He remembered that he was not so disgusted, and remembered the disappointed look of the other party.

Bai Yi opened the box, took out a piece of cake, stuffed it into his mouth, ate one piece and then the second piece, but after taking a bite of the second piece, the feeling of nausea appeared again.

Bai Yi wanted to suppress the feeling of nausea and continue to eat the cake, but his fingertips were trembling, and he couldn't put the cake into his mouth no matter what, and finally the cake fell to the ground.

Bai Yi had just finished a bottle of nutritional supplement when he heard a knock on the door. Bai Yi walked out of the room and the yard. When he opened the wooden door, he saw Wan Ge standing at the door.

Wan Ge smiled at him: "Good morning, I suddenly remembered that I'm going to Taoyuan today, so I want to ask if you want to go with me? I heard from my aunt that the peach blossoms are in full bloom now, so beautiful."

In the plot, the original owner wanted to go to collect folk songs. Taoyuan is actually a village, a village with many beautiful peach blossoms.

Bai Yi nodded: "Okay, I'll clean up."

Wan Ge was of course very happy. After Bai Yi invited her into the house, he poured her a cup of warm water.

Wan Ge didn't care, but just looked at the place where he lived now.

There is also a yard, but the yard is smaller, but living alone doesn't actually need such a big place.

Like the place where Wan Ge lives now, it used to be a big family, but for various reasons, only she and her mother were left.

The yard is very large, there are many rooms, and it is a bit troublesome to clean up. Fortunately, the house without people doesn't need to be cleaned up.

And every week, there will be aunties and some gardeners to clean up.

Her great-grandfather was once the son of a wealthy family. Although he lived in this small ancient town, it was more because his residence was here.

Wan Ge only looked at the place where Bai Yi lived now, and quickly withdrew his thoughts.

Bai Yi also quickly packed up, changed a coat, put on a bag and followed him.

When Wan Ge drove to Taoyuan, Bai Yi had been fiddling with his camera in the car. When he passed by the window and saw a beautiful scenery, Bai Yi would take a photo.

Obviously in the car, the speed was not slow, but Bai Yi took very good photos.

Wan Ge looked at the other party's professional appearance and asked: "Are you a photographer?"

Bai Yi nodded and shook his head: "Not completely, I just learned a little because I was a little interested."

Wan Ge replied, "I see."

Before reaching the destination, Bai Yi sighed: "This place is really beautiful."

And it is not completely commercialized, there are no strange signs, and there are no tourists littering.

After arriving at the destination, Wan Ge also took out his easel from the back of the car.

The two stood on the hillside, one holding a camera, taking pictures of everything he saw at the moment.

The other holding a paintbrush, painting the most beautiful moment he had just seen.

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