Although Bai Yi didn't seem to resist thunder as much as eating, Wan Ge also found that his body couldn't help but tremble when thunder struck.

In this case, how could she let him go home alone?

Bai Yi was about to say it was okay, but Wan Ge grabbed his hand: "We have known each other for more than a month, aren't we good friends? It's okay for you to stay at my house for one night."

Bai Yi heard her say that, and he was a person who would never refuse others, so he finally nodded.

Wan Ge smiled: "Wait for me here."

Then he turned around and went upstairs.

Wan Ge walked into the cloakroom and took out a set of boys' clothes from a cabinet.

Ink tie-dyed shirt and trousers, although Bai Yi was a little thin, his height could support this outfit, and this outfit was also relatively comfortable, and it was not bad as pajamas.

The fabric was very soft and would not make people feel tight.

"What is this outfit?" Bai Yi could see that it was a brand new outfit.

Wan Ge said, "I am also interested in fashion design. I occasionally submit some fashion design manuscripts. Of course, I have also designed some for friends. This is one of them."

No matter which one it is, she will be sent samples, and she will clean it and put it away.

Of course, Wan Ge would not bring clothes here specially. The reason why this set of clothes is here is that this set of clothes was sent here during this period.

It just so happened that Wan Ge wanted to leave people here, so naturally she thought of this set of clothes.

After Bai Yi understood it, he didn't think much about it. In addition to taking down clothes, Wan Ge also had toiletries. Bai Yi went to take a bath after the thunder gradually subsided.

After taking a bath, Wan Ge also came out of the bath and led Bai Yi to his room.

There are many rooms here. Because there are too many rooms, it has been mentioned before that some rooms are not cleaned up. But there are a few rooms that are often cleaned up.

One is Wan Ge's room, and the other is her mother and father's room. There are also two guest bedrooms that are often cleaned up to prevent guests from coming.

Bai Yi is now living in the guest bedroom. Before the clean sheets are spread out, Wan Ge takes the sheets out of the cabinet and invites Bai Yi to spread out the sheets together.

Bai Yi didn't know how to do it at first, but he had to do it when he was living on his own. At the beginning, he spread out the sheets several times but couldn't do it well. Later, he watched a video and learned it and finally got it right.

But now that two people are doing it together, it is also very fast.

The rain outside the window, which was originally getting smaller, suddenly got bigger again, accompanied by thunder.

Wan Ge was standing well, but was startled by the sudden thunder and fell on the bed. At the same time, Bai Yi, who was just grabbing the quilt, also fell.

Bai Yi's beautiful eyes were a little confused, and he looked at Wan Ge in front of him with some doubts.

Wan Ge looked into his eyes and gently placed her fingertips on his face. He was really handsome, but also really thin, with obvious cheekbones.

Bai Yi saw the pain in her eyes and felt his heart tighten for some reason.

He thought of the time when he ate desperately even though he couldn't eat. He didn't want to make his parents worry because he saw their worried and sad expressions, so he still tried to eat even if he would vomit after eating.

But... in the end, he wanted to vomit when he smelled the food.

While Bai Yi's brain was still thinking, a pair of hands suddenly hugged him: "Bai Yi, do you like me?"

Wan Ge knew the answer, but every time he still wanted to hear him admit it in person.

Bai Yi's cheeks flushed instantly. He didn't expect Wan Ge to suddenly ask such a question. He hesitated for a long time, but finally answered: "I like it."

He liked her, especially.

Wan Ge heard the answer and curled his lips with satisfaction. The next second, the warm touch fell on Bai Yi's lips.

Bai Yi had never touched a girl's hand before, and he was so direct at the beginning. He was a little at a loss. This was under Wan Ge's guidance, and their actions became more and more intimate.

When Bai Yi woke up, he was in a strange place. His blank brain quickly recovered and he remembered where he was at the moment.

He subconsciously touched his side, but there was no one there. Wan Ge had already gotten up.

Bai Yi not only had a bad appetite, but also a bad sleep. Normally, he would wake up at the slightest noise, but he slept very well yesterday.

Even Wan Ge didn't know he had gotten up. Bai Yi hurriedly got up and washed up. When he walked downstairs, he saw several people in the yard. It was no longer raining, but because of yesterday's heavy rain, many flowers in the yard were scattered all over the ground.

Although Wan Ge usually trimmed the flowers,, but she couldn't take care of such a big yard by herself.

The gardener she hired knew that the yard would be messy after a heavy rain, so he came. Not only the gardener, but also the cleaning lady came, so Bai Yi saw many people.

But he still didn't see Wan Ge. One of the aunts came up and saw his confused eyes, and told him directly: "Mr. Bai, the lady is in the kitchen."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome." The aunt was full of smiles, looking at the boy in front of her, she was in a good mood. Such a good-looking boy should be the lady's boyfriend, right?

The lady lived here for two months before, and she didn't see him come, maybe she was busy.

The aunt didn't know that Bai Yi was here. In the month that Wan Ge was with him, she took the initiative to find him. Bai Yi rarely came to his house. Every time he came, the aunt was not there, so the aunt didn't know.

The aunt may have heard that a good-looking boy came nearby, but she had never seen Bai Yi.

When Bai Yi walked into the kitchen, the kitchen was filled with the aroma of seafood porridge and the sweet smell of pastries.

They bought a lot of seafood yesterday, and Wan Ge had kept the ones that were not cooked very well. Seeing so many people in the morning, they processed the seafood and cooked porridge, and made some pastries to go with it.

When Bai Yi got up, he was almost done, so he was asked to clean up and prepare for breakfast, and at the same time asked others to join.

Others also stopped their work and gathered in the dining room.

Wan Ge often made some pastries, and they could often eat them. They have all been workers in this family for many years.

Whether it was Wan Ge or his mother and grandmother, they had all tasted their craftsmanship. You know that the three of them made very delicious food, and they liked it very much.

The sweetness of the porridge and the sweetness of the pastries made Bai Yi feel very happy for some reason. Or maybe it was not just because the food was delicious.

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