Luo Qingmu seemed to have grasped something: "You are not angry anymore."

"Not angry anymore." In fact, she was not really angry, after all, he was used to facing such a situation. She just wanted to let him know not to do such things casually.

That is, she has recovered her memory. If she hadn't recovered her memory, she didn't know whether she would go in the direction of sadomasochism, but it shouldn't be.

"Then do you still want to be the queen?" Luo Qingmu asked this question again.

Wan Ge shook her head: "I have never thought about it. I said I don't like him, I only like you."

"Then will you like me forever?" Luo Qingmu asked nervously again.

In fact, he shouldn't ask so bluntly, but he really wants to know.

"Then will you like me forever?" Wan Ge asked the same question in return.

Luo Qingmu nodded seriously: "I will."

He really will, no matter what happens.

"Then I will too." Wan Ge kissed him on the face.

After dinner, Wan Ge was still very curious about what Luo Qingmu had said to them and why they left like that.

Under Wan Ge's questioning, Luo Qingmu still told the truth.

In addition to telling them that he had no interest in the throne, he also arranged a lot of things for them, which they had always wanted to do but had not completed.

There were also officials in the court, and Luo Qingmu also paved the way for their future official careers. Their official careers would go more smoothly and they would occupy higher positions, and they could do what they wanted to do to benefit the country and the people.

Luo Qingmu told them that as long as the emperor was a benevolent monarch, it didn't matter who became the emperor? Wasn't their original purpose for the people? Now that they have changed the emperor, they can always realize their ideals and ambitions.

So Luo Qingmu asked them to bravely pursue what they wanted to do, and not to teach him anymore in the future.

He arranged everyone's retreat very well. Although others felt strange and a little regretful, they accepted his statement.

The main thing is that it seems that apart from the change of the emperor, there is not much difference between what she has done and what she has dreamed of.

Luo Qingmu has a certain amount of power and financial resources in the court. With his insights and abilities, it is not a problem for them to go more smoothly in the future.

After listening to what he said, Wan Ge felt that Luo Qingmu's arrangements were very good.

The emperor had just passed away, and the new emperor had just taken office. There were already many things to do. If they still had these things, things would be even busier. If they still had the idea of ​​going to war, the people would suffer. Now it was good enough.

Wan Ge leaned her head on his shoulder and looked at the starry sky with him.

This was the first time she came here with him to see the starry sky. This place was also very beautiful, and the scenery of the night sky was also very good, but either he locked himself up or he locked him up, so it had never been as quiet as it was at this moment, sitting in the same place, looking at the starry sky.

"Come back to Wanshengmen with me in two days." Wan Ge sent a letter to his family, saying that he was delayed by something and couldn't go back so soon, but everything was fine, so they didn't have to worry.

So, Wan Ge was so relieved to stay with him here for a while.

Luo Qingmu nodded again with a red face. He knew what it meant to meet his parents, so he was very happy.

But besides being happy, he was still a little worried because he didn't know what he would face.

"My father, like me, likes to study poisons. My mother also knows some medical skills because her grandfather is a doctor. When I was a child, I learned medicine from my mother and how to make poisons from my father. They don't have any hobbies, so they must like you, so there's no need to worry."

Luo Qingmu nodded again obediently.


So after another two days, Wan Ge finally appeared in front of Master Fang and Madam Fang.

The two looked at the handsome man standing next to their daughter and were a little confused: "Who is this?"

Wange could feel the nervousness of Luo Qingmu beside her, and introduced to her parents with a smile and a relaxed look: "This is my lover, Luo Qingmu, the current master of the Divine Doctor Valley."

Master Fang was still thinking in his heart that the rumored little divine doctor was suffering from a mute disease.

As a result, the next second, he heard the low and hoarse voice of the handsome man in front of him: "Hello, uncle and aunt."

The voice was very nice, mature and gentle. The whole person looked not only like an ordinary person, but also looked extremely stable.

"I have heard that the little divine doctor seems..." Master Fang was thinking about what kind of wording would be more suitable.

As a result, Luo Qingmu seemed to be indifferent and answered directly: "Yes, but Wange helped me cure”

That’s right. If it weren’t for Wan Ge, he might not have considered speaking until now.

The couple was a little surprised to hear this. They knew their daughter was very good, but that was in making poisons. They didn’t know that her medical skills were also so good.

Although people like them who can poison must have good medical skills, for most people, poisons are definitely harmful to people, how can they save people?

And I heard that the former valley master liked this disciple very much. I guess he spent a lot of time to treat his muteness. Even the world-famous genius doctor couldn’t cure the disease, but his daughter actually cured it? It’s unbelievable to say it.

“Are you so powerful?” Madam Fang said in a very low voice in her daughter’s ear, but everyone present had internal strength, so it was not difficult to hear what they said.

“Yes, mother knows it?”

“Mother knows you are powerful, but she didn’t know you are so powerful! "She knew that if Wan Ge dared to claim to be second to none in poison, no one would dare to claim to be first, but it was not the case in medical skills.

Luo Qingmu lived in Wan Ge's yard, but the two did not share a room.

Luo Qingmu took Wan Ge's reputation into consideration, and knew that although they had done very intimate things, it was not good to say anything at this moment, so he just followed the arrangement silently.

After dinner, Wan Ge asked about his uncle.

Speaking of his uncle, the head of the sect sighed helplessly again.

It was impossible for the emperor to have any relationship with them in public. After learning about such things, he only gave a box of gold and silver privately to let the uncle go. Uncle went to make arrangements to comfort the victim's family.

Uncle Master has been dealing with these things recently, but he feels extremely guilty about them, especially for a disciple who has only an old mother at home.

Uncle Master really couldn't say it, so he concealed the matter, just saying that it was his fellow senior brother, and he was sent by the sect master to do important things, and it is estimated that he will not be able to come back for a long time. Before that, he will take good care of her.

Uncle Master plans to stay by her side until the other party dies of old age as compensation.

After hearing this, Wan Ge frowned and said, "This can't be concealed. After a long time, the old man will definitely find clues. I have learned the art of disguise in a secret scroll before, but it requires someone who knows him well, and the way of speaking and the voice must be similar to what he practiced. Occasionally go to visit the old man and let the old man believe it. "

After experiencing so many worlds, Wan Ge has some understanding of other people's emotions.

For an orphan and a widow, such an old woman would definitely not be able to bear the shock if she heard that her son had passed away.

I think everyone knows it, so they chose to conceal it.

When Luo Qingmu heard what Wan Ge said, he also spoke: "I have also learned a special set of acupuncture before. Acupuncture in the throat can temporarily change a person's voice."

If it is really possible, Luo Qingmu can pass this set to them. After all, it is just a few acupuncture points. For those who are studying both medicine and poison, it should not be a problem.

Master Fang thought it was really great when he heard their proposal: "Then I will find it tomorrow to see if that disciple is familiar with him."

"Okay." Wan Ge said and spoke again: "To disguise, I need to make a human skin mask. Do you have a portrait of him? Or find a disciple to describe his appearance, and I will draw his appearance first, and then I can make a mask. "

"Yeah. "Master Fang nodded again immediately.

Half an hour later, Master Fang brought in a portrait and a disciple.

While Wan Ge was making a human skin mask, Luo Qingmu was doing acupuncture to change the other party's voice.

After many attempts, he finally found the voice that was most like the other party.

How many days would it take to change back? It would take many experiments.

So in half a month, after several experiments, it was confirmed that the voice would slowly change back after three days, and it would definitely return to its original voice within five days.

As for the human skin mask, Wan Ge spent half a month to finally make it, with the human skin mask No, the main thing is whether it can be worn without revealing flaws.

When the person who changed his appearance and voice finally stood out, Master Fang was a little dazed. For a moment, it seemed as if the disciple was standing in front of him.

Both the voice and appearance were too similar, just like the real master.

Wan Ge looked at his father's reaction and realized that he had succeeded, but the rest could only be handed over to the disciple who changed his appearance.

The disciple who changed his appearance went to the old woman's house that day.

When the uncle saw him, there was still some disbelief in his eyes, but he concealed it well.The uncle actually received the letter, and burned it after reading it. He knew that Wan Ge had disguised a disciple in order to reassure the old woman.

He thought that there must be more than 70% resemblance, otherwise it would not be possible to deceive people. The old woman was a little blind, and if there was more than 70% resemblance, and the living environment and food were used as excuses, the old woman might not be able to see clearly.

But I really didn't expect that it could be so similar. If the other party hadn't left, they might look like identical twins.

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