Wan Ge just nodded to her with a faint expression.

Ye Yanmeng, however, focused all her attention on her and the things in her hands. She was too familiar with the logo of the packaging.

It was customized exclusively for the Si family. The Si family had official customized packaging boxes, but also customized ones. Customized ones were generally valuable gifts.

Ye Yanmeng actually received some, but not many. It's just that each one was very expensive for her, and more importantly, it was face.

The Si family's customized gifts were rare. They were usually given to their important cooperative customers or business giants. Few ordinary people could get them.

"Did classmate Jing meet Ah Yu again?" Ye Yanmeng said softly, trying to be calm, but she could hardly hide her jealousy.

Wan Ge smiled and said, "Yes, my aunt invited me to their house for dinner. Is there any problem, classmate Ye?"

As a lifesaver, Ye Yanmeng had naturally been to the Si family, but she had been there very few times and had never received so many gifts.

"Does Jing have a good relationship with Si Yu?" Ye Yanmeng asked again.

Wan Ge replied: "Not bad, our two families are old friends. If it weren't for A Yu's accident, we would still be an engaged couple."

"You were engaged!" Ye Yanmeng said in disbelief.

"Yes! I think Ye has a good relationship with A Yu. Didn't A Yu say that? But maybe he thinks it's not important." As for who thinks it's not important, it's hard to say.

"Maybe." Ye Yanmeng still had a smile on her face, but she felt that she was about to lose it.

Wan Ge didn't pay any more attention to her, but got off the elevator after she added a floor: "See you next time, Ye."

"Bye bye." Ye Yanmeng waved to her.

At the moment the elevator door closed, Ye Yanmeng's expression became a little more jealous.

She was not jealous of their previous relationship, but she was jealous that Wan Ge could get so many gifts from the Si family.

At the same time, she was even more dissatisfied. As his savior, she had never received so many gifts of such high value at once.

Si Yu kept saying that he wanted to repay her for saving his life, but he treated her differently.

Ye Yanmeng only saw that Wan Ge received many gifts, but she didn't know that these were all return gifts.

Although Wan Ge had only chosen the gifts in the morning, each gift was also very valuable.

This was also considered a visit to the Si family alone after adulthood. It was certain that she had to prepare gifts, but a family like the Si family could not prepare too cheap gifts. Therefore, although it was not customized, nor was it a hard-to-find antique collection, it was worthy of the return gift from the Si family.

Ye Yanmeng only brought some worthless fruits and flowers, and was looking forward to what kind of gifts people would give her in return.

In the next month or so, Wan Ge went to the Si family several times.

The two became more and more familiar with each other, and Mrs. Si became closer to her.

However, during this period, Si Yu bought another house for Ye Yanmeng, or more precisely, a house for his family, a large flat located in the city center.

Because Ye Yanmeng's family all went to G City, the reason was of course her sick mother, and her family had to come to take care of her mother. So the whole family went to G City, and they had no place to stay and could only stay in a hotel temporarily.

But in fact, with the money Si Yu had spent on their family, let alone staying in a top hotel, it would be no problem to buy a villa in G City that was a bit inferior.

But how could the Ye family miss such a good opportunity, so the whole family squeezed in the hotel pitifully, the purpose was not to let Si Yu buy them a house, and Si Yu did buy them a house.

Wan Ge began to think about the reason why the other party was so indulgent to Ye Yanmeng, was it really just because of the grace of saving his life? Then why did he deliberately like her?

He obviously didn't like her but he had to show it. If it was just for return, there was no need to do so.

He had given her a lot of things, what kind of grace should this be?

And Si Yu never explained. Did he think it was unnecessary to explain or didn't know how to explain?

Was he trapped by the favor or did he have other plans?

This was also the reason why Wan Ge approached him but didn't get close to him. If the other party was still wrapped up in the favor, she didn't want to have a conflict on this.

And Wan Ge also wanted to see what Si Yu planned, so she didn't take the initiative anymore.

If Si Yu really liked her, he would properly solve all the obstacles in their relationship.

Wan Ge didn't believe that he was the kind of affectionate male second who only silently paid behind the scenes. If he really loved someoneHow could anyone allow him to be with someone else?

She dared to guarantee that if she dared to make an official announcement with another man tomorrow, Si Yu would dare to explode.

As soon as Wan Ge walked downstairs, she saw Ye Yanmeng, who was waving goodbye to a man at this moment.

The other person was also handsome, handsome, with three-dimensional facial features, giving people a feeling of a tough guy. But his facial features were too good, so the impact was particularly strong. When you see him for the first time, you will feel that he is very handsome.

The other person's good looks are different from Si Yu's good looks. Si Yu's good looks are as if they were carefully crafted, with porcelain white skin and handsomeness that is not like an ordinary person.

The man in front of him has a wheat-colored complexion, which is a very healthy state.

Ye Yanmeng's face was red at this moment, and her eyes were full of admiration, as if she fell in love with the other person.

Wan Ge looked at the other person's male lead halo, and it was normal for her to fall in love with the other person.

The other person was wearing high-end custom-made clothes. Why did Wan Ge feel that reality was a little different from the plot?

Ye Yanmeng likes the other person because he is good-looking and has a good family background. More importantly, the male protagonist has all four limbs intact, while for Ye Yanmeng, Si Yu is a disabled person.

Ye Yanmeng was born in a poor family, so she has prejudice against Si Yu who cannot walk.

Wan Ge actually knew it from the beginning. Ye Yanmeng looked at Si Yu with pity and a little love, but more of it was exploitation, the kind of superiority of being liked by a good-looking and rich person, and the pride of feeling that her beauty has won people over.

Wan Ge thinks Si Yu also knows it, but whether it is his motive to pretend to like her, this is unknown.

"Student Jing, are you going out?" Ye Yanmeng's tone was a little complacent, as if she understood the appearance of showing off.

"Well, go back to school to check a set of experimental data."

"Oh, that's it, then you go quickly."

Wan Ge nodded and passed by him directly, but when she passed by the male protagonist, she could feel his eyes on her.

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