It's just that Si Yu still has a lot to learn. However, Mr. Si saw his son's comprehension and realized that his son was simply the chosen one!

Because of his physical condition, I had never considered this matter before, but now I realize that I almost lost a genius.

If it weren't for this sudden incident, I would really miss a genius candidate.

Whenever Si Yu asked him if this was right? Mr. Si thought to himself that it was absolutely right.

Si Yu was getting more and more adept at what he did in the company, so he was very happy to go home every day. Mr. Si was also very happy. With his son helping to share the work, the whole person was much more relaxed.

Wan Ge and Mrs. Si were also happy to see their lovers happy.

Because of the pregnancy, Wan Ge now lives with Mrs. Si. Mrs. Si studies with the nutritionist chef every day, and she also finds it interesting what Wan Ge eats every day.

When Wan Ge was slightly pregnant, they held the wedding. Feng Sui Nian and Jiang Yi were still traveling. Although they didn't know why it was so sudden, they still came back.

Jiang Yi was Si Yu's sister, so she automatically assumed the position of Si Yu's sister and went to help.

Just looking at Wan Ge in front of her, she was a little confused: "Why do I feel that your figure seems a little rounder."

She still looks thin, but seems to be a little rounder than before.

Wan Ge touched her belly and answered the person in front of her: "Because in less than a few years, there may be someone chasing you and calling you aunt."

Jiang Yi was a little surprised: "Are you pregnant?"

Wan Ge nodded.

In fact, Jiang Yi and Feng Sui Nian also got married more than half a year ago.

It's just that Feng Sui Nian doesn't care about having children, because of Jiang Yi's physical condition, he doesn't actually plan to have children.

After all, it's risky for them.

People who have undergone heart transplant surgery need to take medicine for life.

In fact, Ruan Ruan knew that it didn't matter if Jiang Yi didn't take medicine, after all, his current heart was produced by the system, not from others, and it had long been integrated with her body.

But they didn't know, and Wan Ge couldn't tell them, so Jiang Yi kept taking medicine, but her health was getting better and better. She could feel her body was very relaxed, but she still didn't dare to take risks.

It's just that Jiang Yi has always wanted a child, because his mother died early and his father didn't accompany her to adulthood. For him, there is no blood relative in the world, so she is eager to have a family.

It's just that now is not the time to mention it, she wants to wait a little longer.

Jiang Yi smiled: "It's really great."

Jiang Yi was also worried about Si Yu's situation that he would choose to be alone, but now he has a wife and is about to have children, which is really great.

They have been together for three years, and you can see that they are very loving. They have lived together for three years and two years, and there are no conflicts. I guess it will be the same in the future.

Si Yu's father and grandfather are both very loyal people, and she believes that Si Yu is the same.

Logically speaking, they are so rich, there will be people with various looks or achievements in the field, and they will stick to them, but they completely exclude these people and are extremely loyal to their partners.

Why did Si Yu's grandfather die young? It was because his grandmother died of illness. Even with the support of her children, she didn't live for more than a year, and his grandfather followed her.

The wedding was held perfectly, and many people envied their wedding.

Si Yu came into contact with more and more people after entering the company, and of course they were all well-known figures in their circle. He was calm and composed when facing them. Si Yu was born noble and had a super hard-core family background, so no one dared to offend him.

They only knew that Si Yu had injured his legs, but they didn't know that he was so good-looking, let alone that he was very strong.

A long-term partner of Mr. Si, after contacting Si Yu, said with emotion that he had a bright future.

Si Yu was getting more and more comfortable in the company, and encountered more and more problems, but he handled them very well, and some were even unexpected by Mr. Si.

When Si Yu's child was born, Mr. Si had already begun to delegate power, but because the child was just born, Mr. Si gave him a holiday.

Wan Ge had just given birth and needed her husband's company, so she gave him three months of leave.

When Si Yu held the little guy in his arms, he felt incredible because he was so small that he was afraid of hurting him.

Fortunately, Wan Ge had her parents and her parents-in-law, and they were getting more and more adept at taking care of the child.

Si Yu in this world was still very interested in work, and Wan Ge was also very satisfied with it. If she had something to do, she would not have any random thoughts.You don't have to be so tired.

Although Si Yu never walked again, he still went to see many beautiful scenery and visited many places that many people have never been to in their lives. If you have the ability to build roads, then that road is not only for walking, but also for cars, airplanes, and anything you can pass.


① I know that I have always been a person wrapped in love.

② The past can never be past, but you told me that I can have a brighter future.

③ You always say that it is not you who changed my life, but without you, my life would not be so beautiful.

——Si Yu

[Si Chen's Little Extra]

My name is Si Chen. I have a very handsome father and a very beautiful mother. I also have wealth that others dare not dream of.

It's just that when I was young, I didn't understand the value measurement. When other children laughed at my father for not being able to walk, I would always fight with them.

Whenever this happened, my mother would comfort me. My mother would argue with the teacher, and my mother said that my idea was right, but I shouldn't fight.

She said that the reason they talked about my father was just because they didn't understand our family at all.

Until I gradually began to understand and realize the gap between our families, those bad words in childhood were no longer a big deal to me.

When I grew up, I saw people who slandered my father when I was a child, and they were eager to ask me to introduce my father to them. I finally understood what my mother meant when she said that they didn't understand our family.

Sometimes I just thought they didn't understand how good my father was. When I grew up, I realized that they didn't know the gap between their family and ours.

When I grew up, I also joined the company. My father told me that although money can't buy everything, it can give you a sense of security in many cases, especially when you meet your lover, with a certain amount of money, you can guarantee her a lot of good life.

But my father also said that you can make money but you can't do things you shouldn't do, and you shouldn't make money that you shouldn't make. You should pay what you should pay and do what you should do.

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