In fact, Xiao Shuyu only knew that his family had good conditions in the imperial capital, but he was still not very clear about the specific situation because he never participated in the activities organized by his family.

He only knew that those children who excluded him and didn't play with him when he was a child wanted to play with him after he grew up.

It's a pity that he didn't need them at that time, and those people's later approach would only make him feel disgusted.

He thought that if he could completely get rid of the control of his family, would he not worry about this problem?

Wan Ge didn't find it strange that Xiao Shuyu suddenly became interested in investment. After all, he was born in such a family, and his parents let him study photography.

Because he felt that Xiao Shuyu and his mother got along very strangely, Wan Ge went to investigate.

Then he found that Xiao Shuyu's parents had a good relationship, but because there were many competitors of the same type in the Xiao family at that time, even if they were the leaders, if they wanted to kill so many competitors, they had to constantly improve their strength.

So when Xiao Shuyu was young, his parents had no time to accompany him. Even though his parents had a good relationship, Xiao Shuyu was not close to his parents because of the lack of companionship.

Wan Ge thought this was normal. After all, his parents did not accompany him, so it was normal for him not to be close to his parents.

But he couldn't understand why he felt that Xiao Shuyu hated his parents a little bit. Perhaps it was because he had a childhood without companionship.

Who would have thought that the boy who looked sunny and cheerful had an unhappy childhood.

People will crave more when they grow up, but what they need most when they are young is companionship, because most children do not understand the concept of money when they are young. They slowly understand it based on the environment and life.

Wan Ge finally understood why the other party was so insecure. It was because he lacked companionship when he was a child, so when he relied on something, he would be afraid of losing it.

Fortunately, Xiao Shuyu has his own preferences and now has things he wants to do.

Of course, Wan Ge supports him if he wants to invest, and also tells him how to invest and what risks he will face.

In addition to Wan Ge's own status and strength, he also knew the inside story that many people didn't know, so he could better tell him how to invest to make more money.

Xiao Shuyu learns very quickly and is very smart. Sometimes he doesn't need Wan Ge to tell him, and he can see through some inside stories and have his own opinions.

Wan Ge was surprised at his growth, and suddenly realized that he had been on winter vacation for a while.

"Aren't you on winter vacation? You can't live in the school now, right? So where do you live?"

Xiao Shuyu did not deny this matter, and told him that he was living in a hotel now.

"Don't you want to go home?"

Xiao Shuyu lowered his head and hummed softly. Yes, he didn't want to go home. He wanted to stay with Wan Ge more.

"Don't stay in a hotel, stay at my house. Which hotel are you staying in now? Go get your things and go to my house later."

Although Xiao Shuyu felt that their development was a bit fast, he was very happy and nodded obediently.

Wan Ge touched his head and took him home after the matter was dealt with.

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