For the convenience of work, Wan Ge lives close to the company.

Xiao Shuyu walked into the large flat where Wan Ge lived. Although the house was relatively large, the overall layout was relatively warm and there was a sense of life. It can be imagined that she should cook for herself.

Sure enough, when Wan Ge opened the refrigerator, there were a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator.

"Does your sister usually cook for herself at home?"

Wan Ge looked back at the refrigerator, and then nodded: "Sometimes I cook for myself when I get off work early, or I cook for myself on weekends."

The original owner was actually a relatively homebody. If he didn't deal with work on weekends, he would stay at home all day without going out.

Who would have thought that the CEO who was so powerful in the company was actually a homebody.

After Wan Ge finished speaking, she looked at him with a smile: "What? Do you want to try your sister's cooking skills? I can cook for you tonight."

Xiao Shuyu coughed lightly. He didn't mean that, but he was still very happy if his sister was willing.

Wan Ge touched his head.

So in the afternoon, Wan Ge started to prepare ingredients and planned to cook dinner.

First, he cooked the soup, and after processing the documents sent by his assistant, he continued to process the ingredients.

Xiao Shuyu stood aside and watched, and asked softly: "Sister, do you need my help?"

Wan Ge looked back at him: "Have you ever cooked?"

Xiao Shuyu shook his head. He had indeed never cooked.

There was a chef at home, and he basically ate out when he went out. If it was really not possible, he would just have instant noodles, so he had never cooked by himself.

"Well, then you help me wash the vegetables." After Wan Ge told him what to do, she went to deal with the meat.

Xiao Shuyu watched her cooking from the side, and later felt that it was not difficult.

So when Wan Ge came back from get off work on Monday, she saw her busy in the kitchen, and there was a video of how to cook on her mobile phone.

When Wan Ge walked in, she found that the other party had already cooked several dishes, and they all looked good. Although she was a novice, she was generally excellent.

"You learn so fast, you can cook by yourself so quickly."

Xiao Shuyu blushed and replied: "I learned it from the video, I don't know how it works. It's almost done, sister, wash your hands first, we can eat soon."

Wange replied with a good answer. After washing his hands, he helped to bring the dishes to the table.

Xiao Shuyu made four dishes and one soup, and the soup looked pretty good.

But because he learned from the video, he added some seasonings. People on Wan Ge's side don't add any other seasonings except oil and salt when they really make soup. The seasoning is directly adjusted with some ingredients. But overall it is also very good.

Wange directly praised the other party for making great dishes, the heat of the stir-fried dishes was just right, and the saltiness was also suitable. If you don't know him, you don't think he is a novice at all.

Xiao Shuyu was very happy after hearing the praise.

Then he ate the meal he made. Overall it was okay and not bad, but it was not delicious either, it could only be said to be average.

However, Xiao Shuyu felt that it was good enough that he could cook like this for the first time, and he could do better in the future.

After dinner, Wan Ge put the dishes into the dishwasher.

On the sofa, he watched TV with Xiao Shuyu and discussed his investment.

Then he asked: "The Chinese New Year will come in ten days, won't you go home?"

Xiao Shuyu was silent for a while. Although he often went out in recent years, he would still go home for the Chinese New Year. This sentence made him stunned. Is he going back?

In fact, he didn't want to go back. "Can I spend the Chinese New Year here?"

Wan Ge also saw what he meant, and immediately answered him: "Of course, do you want to go home with me to meet my parents?"

Although Xiao Shuyu was very nervous, he nodded. Are they going to meet their parents? What should I do if I am a little nervous?

The festival is coming soon, and Xiao Shuyu still sent a message to his parents, telling them that he will not go home this year.

Mr. Xiao looked at the message and looked at his wife again.

Before her husband got angry, Mrs. Xiao comforted him first. "The child has grown up and has his own ideas. Don't be too angry. When we were busy before, we didn't come back to spend the New Year with him."

Mrs. Xiao's words directly blocked Mr. Xiao's anger.

Because what the lady said was right. When we were busy before, we really didn't take care of his feelings.

Mrs. Xiao didn't think it was Wan Ge's problem. She could see that her son wanted to escape from home.She knew it in her heart, but she didn't know how to solve the problem.

When the Xu family heard that Wan Ge was going to bring someone back, they all became nervous.

Before Wan Ge went home, he went to the airport to pick someone up to go home together.

Xiao Shuyu stood beside Wan Ge, and then saw a tall and handsome figure who was about the same age as him appear in the airport.

Because of his good looks, height, and handsome clothes, he was very eye-catching.

Of course, the other party also saw Wan Ge and Xiao Shuyu at a glance. They were a particularly eye-catching couple standing there, and the people around them seemed to unconsciously give them some space.

The handsome boy walked up with his luggage and hugged Wan Ge: "Sister, I miss you so much."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the boy said this, Xiao Shuyu pushed him away and pulled Wan Ge behind him, looking at the boy in front of him with a defensive face: "What are you doing!"

Wan Ge and the boy were a little stunned, and then Wan Ge quickly reacted, chuckled, and then said to Xiao Shuyu: "This is my brother, my brother Xu Qingzhao."

Wan Ge remembered that she told him to pick someone up, but forgot to tell him that the person she picked up was her brother, so the other party must have misunderstood because of this.

Xu Qingzhao also looked at Xiao Shuyu and saw that he should be about the same age as himself, maybe just entering college.

In fact, Wan Ge also looks very young, but Wan Ge may be related to the management company. The calm aura and relatively mature dress on her body are obviously not the appearance of someone who has just entered college.

Xiao Shuyu and Wan Ge look like a couple, but people will think it is a sister-brother relationship because of the influence of temperament.

Although Xiao Shuyu has a good temperament, his performance is relatively immature, so he will have this feeling.

After hearing this, Xiao Shuyu was embarrassed and at a loss.

Xu Qingzhao didn't take it to heart. He patted Xiao Shuyu's shoulder and put his hand on him directly: "It seems that you are my brother-in-law?"

Xiao Shuyu's cheeks were instantly red when he was called like this, and he subconsciously looked at Wan Ge.

Wan Ge nodded with a faint smile. Yes, that's what she said.

"Brother-in-law looks so young, how old is he now? Is he still a student?"

To be honest, it doesn't matter if the other party is still a student. It doesn't matter if he is two or three years younger than my sister. After all, my sister just graduated not long ago.

"Eighteen." Xiao Shuyu answered softly.

Xu Qingzhao was slightly stunned. Wait? He is eighteen? Just entered college? One year younger than me? Five years younger than my sister?

Xu Qingzhao suddenly turned back and looked at my sister again. No way, no way? Is your sister thinking about an 18-year-old boy at such a young age?

Wan Ge looked at her brother with some doubts, as if asking what was wrong.

Xu Qingzhao sighed, leaned close to her sister and whispered: "She is one year younger than me, how could you do that to her?"

Xiao Shuyu also heard this, and couldn't help but hold Wan Ge's hand tighter.

Wan Ge patted his hand, signaling him not to be nervous.

Then Wan Ge took the two young men home together.

When I got home, I saw a lot of people when I walked in.

All the uncles and aunts of the Xu family came. Although Wan Ge's grandfather only had his father as a child, his brothers and sisters were not.

So in terms of three generations, the Xu family is actually a big family, and the relationship is very good.

Wan Ge also said in the family group that he would bring his partner home today and pick up his brother by the way.

Xu Qingzhao went abroad to study some cutting-edge content, and he would join the company directly after completing his studies.

Many of the uncles and brothers are also in the company, and they are all excellent and outstanding.

However, they are all trained by big families, and there is no one who is not excellent. Some of them start their own businesses, and the Xu family certainly supports them.

The Xu family style is relatively strict in raising children. They can have their own interests and hobbies, and can develop according to their own preferences, but they must be above average.

You may not be the best, but you must never be the bad one.

Xu Qingzhao knows his uncles and brothers, and immediately greeted them and integrated into them.

And Wan Ge took Xiao Shuyu to meet his family.

When others saw Xiao Shuyu, they were all warm and friendly, and they couldn't help but praise the boy for his good looks.

Xu Qingzhao is the best-looking boy in their family, and Xiao Shuyu is not inferior to him when standing next to him.

Xiao Shuyu politely greeted all the uncles and brothers, but he was still nervous.

Wan Ge noticed it and held his hand tightly, and finally came to his parentsIn front of him.

Xiao Shuyu called him uncle and aunt obediently.

Mr. Xu was very satisfied with Xiao Shuyu like this.

This boy looked very obedient and sensible, and his temperament was also extraordinary. He should have good conditions.

The Xu family knew that they had a certain difficulty in finding someone with the same conditions as their current status.

So he didn't mind that the other party's conditions were not as good as his family, but they must not be too bad.

Hearing that Xiao Shuyu's family was in the imperial capital, and thinking of his surname, Mr. Xu couldn't help asking: "Do you know Xiao Huaiqing?"

"He is my father."

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